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Everything posted by saber

  1. The meaning of lingerie for an adult woman is to draw sexual attraction and tension, to accept and reject sexual proposals, how can a child deal with such things when they are beyond its comprehention? It's a very sad sight and you find cold the only problem.
  2. This is not a way to dress a child.
  3. saber


    Whatever it is, I applaud the outcome!
  4. saber


    Do we have any info on this shoot?
  5. Where can you find this book? I don't think it's at Amazon.
  6. Anyone knows why the book is not available?
  7. I couldn't agree more, that's why I need this photo in UHQ to praise the Lord and his creation in their full glory!!!
  8. This year the girls were loaded with many unnessesary accesories
  9. Amazing photo, we hadn't seen one like this for quite some time.
  10. saber


    Can anyone download any of these links?
  11. Who cares? Even if that's the case I'm jelous of the man who tasted her . Stupid comments aside, it's not our business to make assumptions.
  12. @17 Moments of Spring when you right click in the above image and select open link in new tab the image opens in a new tab and it can be saved only as a webp file, not a jpg. I've seen this in many threads lately and I found it odd.
  13. What's the deal with these .webp files?
  14. It's amazing that although she is petit she has those great curves. Fantastic proportions.
  15. Because she is famous for her wonderful big breasts doesn't mean she has to flash them all the time. Still, it is strange that in a Shape photoshoot and after all her fit training she shows less skiin.
  16. Angles and cloths play tricks to you.
  17. At the sight of this woman all flags are aroused!!!
  18. I'd love to see her there with Irina.
  19. All this time nobody has saved these photos?
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