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Everything posted by Lyla

  1. But strong enough to start wars and such little things, so I still stand by my opinion that it's a shame for your country and for the democracy that you're often so proud of.
  2. And what's your point with this info? I don't really get it. That it doesn't matter who's your president because not every power is in her or his hands?
  3. It's a shame for your so praised democracy that you can only choose between these two. My country rarely can produce an acceptable candidate for the presidency here (or never), but you have like 30x more citizens. And btw what kind of rule is that candidates under 15% can't attend the debate? So democratic.
  4. I'd love to see Bruno Mars again. He was sooo great, I love him. He'll release a new album in the end of the year allegedly...
  5. Then you just didn't look carefully enough. Her weight-gain definetely changed her face a BIT. This is not extraordinary. But imo she looks much better this way.
  6. If not them then others. I'm happy she chose to get in shape instead of being lazy and self-delusional. I'm sure it will pay off. She looks great again, not only her body, but her face too.
  7. Lyla

    I Am...

    Excited about the new hairdresser I'm visiting tomorrow. I hope she'll make magic.
  8. Lyla

    I hate...

    Hypocrisy. And self-delusional people
  9. Lyla

    Do You Believe?

    Idk what do you mean exactly, but maybe yes... Do you believe that drunk ppl always say the truth?
  10. The Secret Life of Pets The trailer was more promising and quite misleading... Overall it was just fine.
  11. That would be great as their usual controversy for this year imo.
  12. Lyla

    I Am...

    Not sleepy enough
  13. Of course. But if you live somewhere you get to know the place and its people better. @Stromboli1
  14. Haha, my other friend who lives in the Netherlands for years don't like Amsterdam either. I'd rather not say what did she say about it Language is surely important to learn if you move to a different country. They accept you more easily then.
  15. @jj3@frenchkiki my friend is Hungarian just like me, lived and lives in smaller cities than Paris. And she had to leave because her scholarship was over. I don't understand though why these infos are important in this case. I guess there are a lot of unsuccessful unhappy people who still loves Paris even if its population is rude. Or maybe it's not even rude. I guess everyone has different standards based on where are they come from. And jj, Natalie Portman's problem was that they were rude if she didn't wait a few seconds after Bonjour. She should have learned the habits there though and use them properly. Anyways, I have nothing to do with Paris as I've never ever even been there, of course I want to visit and some suspected rudeness won't hold me back from that.
  16. But you always say you have a lot.. so, there's a lot around both locations, and your area is still nicer. Huh? How can you explain this? Chill
  17. Maybe the bigger Muslim population makes the South of France nicer. don't you think, jj?
  18. One of my friends lived there for a year and she said kinda the same, that Paris isn't such a great place and people are rude there. I believe her. @jj3
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