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Status Updates posted by Ange

  1. No exams? 35 Degrees?! I WANT TO LIVE THERE TOO! If I come, will you invite me over? Aha JK JK, so in the summer true weather is like what? 45 degrees?

  2. For a month, everything that I did in the past. Nothing changed, except maybe this time around I just didn't find time, that's all. I WAS CRYING, LAUGHING, doing a VICTORY LAP during that game. It was fabulous! I have no fuckin idea, actually I'm still celebrating that we actually one something FINALLY! We already captured Christoph. Chiefly, we need to figure out whether Cape

  3. Aha ahaha PISS OFF! Aha .. I missed you. Aha and the enjoyment you bring to my day, love the laughs. Aha what's up cookie?

  4. ADD, because you're not a whackjob.

  5. You're back! Duoble celebration, birthday bash & homecoming lol!

  6. Happy Valentines ms sunshine! kisses&hugs


  8. Peeka BOO! Where have you disappeared to?

  9. Ahaha I believe

  10. Chiefly, we need to figure out whether Capello stays or goes? Need to also get rid of Cassano & Baptista, and then let's start talking about transfers. Kaka is always a TARGET, actually he is THEE target. What's up with the Reds? Aha, complaining isn't fun.

  11. Alexis! :d :hug: Finally, my pride and joy of BZ is backk. Whaaaaaat? What happened? Boo that sucks.. next time you'll come on vaca with Soy soy & me and it'll be the best ever! Yeah, I did enjoy my vacation. Merci :flower:

  12. Ange

    Happy Valentines kisses&hugs

  13. I like your new ava. Stunning. Happy easter!

  14. Ahaha I don't know why I thought Romania, maybe because of Mike. Sorry, Hungry?! Wooot! Summerr! I know, it's 28 C here. I 'M SO EXCITED!

  15. Aha, summer is always deserved. Suffer a year of school, and get rewarded, it's all worth it in the end. Merci. I just changed my set again today though. And I see so did you. Love the MM avatar. She's so cute.

  16. Oooh btw, I love your new avatar. Daria for Chanel, one of my favourite ads. Love the pink bow, soo cutee. :D

  17. Awe, a bit lucky, i start tuesday. gahhh, school

  18. Kitty KAT! Happy Valentines kisses&hugs

  19. PAIGE! Where did you go? Happy Easter.

  20. I don't know whether or not I'm going yet, so no hopes up.

  21. Ahaha, puh-lease I'm DIEU, I am GOD.

  22. GggggENTA! Happy Valentines Day! smooches

  23. C Y P R E S S!!!!!

    Happy Valentines Day! smooch, muah!

  24. TANYAAAAAAAA! How's my favourite Russian?

  25. Happy Valentines Day! smooch, muah!

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