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Status Updates posted by Ange

  1. oh that's cool. She definetly hits the right photos, I adore her. Who's you fav?

  2. I like Spiderman as a hero, but not the film, so I didn't see it, was it good?

  3. Fights? Verbal or physical fights? Boo that sucks, but I'm happy to hear that everything is in place once again. Did you win your fights? Aha. Bella! I miss her & YOU even more!

  4. Actually no. I think it's easier than skiing, you need good balance.

  5. oh I didn't know. Thanks for the insight. Truthfully not really, no. But I'm guessing you like her eh?

  6. Paige! Aha, finally, merci. It's better late than never. So any plans for summer vaca? I've been good, thanks.

  7. what's up Pinky? hows life? dull.. or exciting?!

  8. I broke off a piece of the Eiffel Tower and I'm using it to create your crown. Also while in Versailles, I took some golden statues.

  9. Terry? No sorry

  10. boo. that's no fun, hope you feel better :flower:

  11. Ange

    Sahara! French rap rocks! lol

  12. And whoa she's back. Awe shit. Ha! Ooooh Adrien, what a sexy.

  13. Weeee! finally. sigh. aha lol. Yes I want in! Bucharest? Bahahaha really? Oops. How do you say I love you?

  14. Yay, we're friends. Now we can gossip about everything lol. :D I love beautiful things, so good. Now empty streets the orginal mix or the Haji & emanuel mix ? I have both :D No worries, how was the starbucks ? Wow, we do have similar taste in music. Half of those songs I already have on my ipod, like Starkillers, bodyroc, massive attack, cafe del mar, telepopmusik, terranova.

  15. I see. yah definetly not good in geography

  16. I downloaded the rest of the songs because I didn't have them on my list, and I loved them. the only song I disliked was Polaroid. It was a bit too slow for my liking. Since you like late night alumni, do you like Seemingly Sleeping ? Love that song :heart: Do you like any djs ?

  17. ahah me break yah! lots of stuff never shoes though :P Glass, cups, porcelain, china, a couple of my bones. the usually

  18. Soy Soy love the Lily D ava.

  19. btw I love your new personal photo, so cute backstage :heart:

  20. ahahahaha no! We ahve everythign in Canada except VS and warm weather! I was just saying I wish I was home schooled! How come you are home schooled? Is it fun?

  21. Baahahaha! I don't think she;s mad just annoyed :p I hope she isn't 14 lol

  22. Ahahha! Hey sexy, how you doin? I let them burn, burn bitches burn :ninja: No, I ran them over and killed them first, them buried them dead. Life is so full of mistakes. You can't get anything right like a name eh? JESUS people these days!

  23. ahahahaha! btw I love Ms. Poly in your personal photo. So pure & natural! Very Sexy!

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