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Everything posted by #1M&FModelFan

  1. Now I know where he gets such light hair from.
  2. Yes the pic is hot, and fashion is a very grown-up, dangerous world, so it is fitting that fashion, including modeling, be done by grown-ups.
  3. Love the new pics! I've always meant to ask someone, so I'll ask now: what is the ethnic origin of the surname Poortinga? Is it Italian?
  4. He's one of those male models that are really silent actors.
  5. As for the Supermodel thing, is it necessary? Look at so many women models who have that supermodel moniker: they typically have shallow disastrous romantic relationships, marry and date men for reasons that have nothing to do with love, behave terribly, and are secretly disliked by many of the people around them. Not trying to anger anyone, just stating an observation.
  6. 1980 could be correct , he has been around a while, but you never know! He definitely has a young face.
  7. About the campaign Lars took over from Larry Scott, it is different if you look carefully, at least in my opinion. Larry's gaze isn't completely forthcoming, while Lars's is .
  8. Already on my list of favourite Brasilian Male Models.
  9. Thank You! I have that mag too and I love it!
  10. Very bored there. You can practically see SO? written on his face.
  11. If you mean the pic on the first page, his name is Mark Vanderloo.
  12. I have that Saks Fifth Avenue catalog, and my first thought upon seeing Justin in it was if Sara knew about it. I guess she did. I wonder where the last pic is. i love him in that shirt.
  13. The child's name is Nahla Ariela Aubry. Nahla is an Arabic name, and I think Ariela is from Gabriel's side of the family. It was thought that they were going to call her Clara Stella, but I guess that wasn't so.
  14. A lot of people would only consider 27/28 just beginning! Its just that in the real world so many young men and boys, whether they have baby faces or not, fade and look old so early in life, unfortunately.
  15. So I guess my interpretation of him as a likable person is correct then. (Y)
  16. I tried to post a couple of pics I found, but it didn't work. I'll try again later.
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