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Everything posted by Anjel2nV

  1. i'm going to meet up with her & cat for some drinks in sydney 2nite- she is in town for the latest dj's collection.check wireimage for pics 2mrw. eher's an article- there are planty more around.. http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0...5012980,00.html
  2. her brother has been asked to leave for the war- she threw a party for him recently. how scary for her & her family...
  3. omg! that i-d mag cover is todie for!!!
  4. her new valentino w- daria etc is so hott!! omg!! there are no words to describe it- it just perfectly captures the essence of the aesthetics & the clothing combined!!!
  5. she looks awkward/ uncomfortable in that maxim shoot- it still turned out ok though.
  6. Anjel2nV

    Jessica Alba

    so stunning & her style is so simple yet she always looks different. love her
  7. Here's some: "Gorgeous Gemma's new curves" http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/stor...from=public_rss
  8. hehe all her secrets are coming out- typical auusie newspaper- but trust me this isn't even the 1/2 of it. btw: to whoever asked her ethnicity it is: Persian, Fillipino, Serbian, Turkish, & born in Gunny Australia.
  9. what precisely makes her 'such a bad model'?????
  10. Anjel2nV


    any chance someone could rip both og those clips- i'm lovin them! thanks!
  11. Anjel2nV

    Mischa Barton

    very hott as a brunette- n i love her bangles in the elle uk ed! [any1 know who they're by?] thanks for posting
  12. she's naturally endearing- also she has the best face for those aviator sunnies!
  13. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi
  14. so pretty. thanks for all the latest pics!
  15. beautiful. single life is working for her.
  16. Anjel2nV

    Mischa Barton

    I 2nd that- great pics1 She looks so gorgeous + innocent at the Keds promo
  17. Thanks! They are fantastic editorials to repost!!!
  18. Last post for 2nite- here's the noni juice campaign i also meantioned a few pgs back *that reminds me i need to get more* lol http://www.866nonijuice.com/health/Article...-Miranda-Kerr/3 http://www.tahitiannoni.com/united_states/...irandaKerr.html -in the last article the info's a lil wrong- i could have wrote more correct testimonial-jeez ppl do ur research!
  19. & here's the real proof that she's the new VS angel........ http://www.victoriassecretreviews.com/miranda-kerr/ **told u guys where u heard it first!!** reading back on this article i remember seeing her ex boyf backstage @ some shows just when she started- he was bad news then & obviously still is now.... also a few wks back brent told me about the diesel jeans campaign & i didn't believe him....i feel like an idiot now lol- i'm suprised there aren't any threads on him here....yet
  20. Here's some new articles from our daily paper in Sydney, Australia.... Glamour steals the show THERE'S no doubt the camera loves Aussie model Miranda Kerr, but a star turn on the red carpet of a new Hollywood flick in New York has sparked buzz she's about to make the move from fashion runway to big screen babe herself. The Gunnedah glamour girl stole the VIP show at the Rescue Dawn screening, pulling focus from its big name star Christian Bale. But while her silver screen career may be waiting in the wings, Kerr has started small - starring in her model boyfriend's new music clip. Brent Tuhtan's band Tamarama have scored a You Tube hit with their single, Everything For You, which features Kerr dancing around as the doting love interest in the beachy ballad's video. *link* http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/stor...5012964,00.html
  21. Wow! You guys don't understand how proud I am of my girlie from Gunny, gosh she is doing soooooo well!!!! & also now her boy's music is being promoted too [through her]- well it's perfect, now Tamarama get a plug because of Mandy... Thanks for all the pics, they have seriously airbrushed some of thos last VS ones but damn she looks good!! she is lovin life now & i can so see why...
  22. my gosh chica, you are simply naturally gorgeous! i absolutely agree w-what everyone else is saying- there is just that obvious special something you project in all your photos which proove there can only be a brighter future ahead of you- goodluck with everything & i will definately add this to my list of 'threads to watch' - you would be great for guess! much love, lynz ps- omfg! 36 pgs in the period of not even a month.....told u so...... xxx
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