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Everything posted by Ack

  1. OriginalSin Someone who can peel a banana without the use of hands..
  2. Ack


    OMG Lost is getting more boring with every episode.
  3. Depends on who the father is
  4. Congratzzz. I've reached my 1000 without realizing it
  5. Ack

    Salma Hayek

    The word billionaire makes everybody look young and hot
  6. Ack


    it sucks..but the vid is hot!
  7. Ack

    Salma Hayek

    yep...here's a quote from salmahayekweb.com: This is the lucky bastard:
  8. Tyra Banks shooting a scene for her tv show
  9. So you'll only have sex with women you disrespect?
  10. This was to be expected. Still funny though
  11. Not very hard? Dammit...and here I was thinking I'd accomplished one of my main goals in live
  12. I actually like Shan better than aleABBlima. There are already so many people with models' name as their nicks..
  13. [trying to be sincere mode]Of course I do [/trying to be sincere mode]
  14. It looks like everybody is prefering their own names instead of nicknames now, which is a good thing
  15. NY obviously is the place to be. Long way from Amsterdam
  16. Ack


    No he's not. Sylar rulesss
  17. This site was posted on a dutch newssite. It's for all people who want to be popular on their Myspace/Facebook/Hi5 or whatever: http://www.fakeyourspace.com/ Pretty sad if you think about it...even if you don't think about it, it's sad...
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