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Everything posted by falsesmiles

  1. Is from where I want to be from.
  2. Yes, and got nearly trampled. Have you crowdsurfed?
  3. Oh God yes, Ugg boots. Burn them all.
  4. See, I like her hair (the dark long style) but that's about it. Sigh. Oh, and nope, not got caught cheating. Did get someone else caught cheating off me though...haha, that was fun. Have you ever flown a plane yourself?
  5. Eh, I don't know, I don't tend to get particulary angry that often. Hmm.
  6. No Although I have no lifelong ones...just ones from within the past five or so years. Do you wish death/muteness upon Ashlee Simpson?
  7. falsesmiles


    I've discovered the trick is to just look confident, and like you're not expecting to get IDed. If you look worried or shifty they'll ID you whether or not you look 18. I feel sorry for Americans not being able to drink till they're 21. Although that makes me sound like a total alcoholic. I'm not, I swear! OMG SHOOT ME NOW! I am so ashamed, poor Tom. I have to go find him now to apologise, fancy coming on a stalking mission? That reminds me, I have to check if Summer XS is on this year. Lmfao I swear they are all totally gay. It's unbelieveable. Anyway, I'm signing out now, I have errands to run and maths to revise. Yuck yuck yuck. First: ssbflsdjkvbdslvjsd the topless Dougie pictures completely bring back my love for him. Sigh. I know! Haha, my cousin can't legally drink yet - he only beats me by a year rather than four or something. He's a bit of an alkie anyway already so heh. Sure! And XS better not be during Jersey, seriously if it is then I'll cry. It's summer, it's ideal for gatehanging. AND MATT'LL BE THERE IF IT'S ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem. Ew maths, I'm never ever taking that again thank God. Well, if I don't resit C2 that is. Sob, byeee.
  8. falsesmiles


    Probably, but we can lie? Photocopies and Photoshop mayhap. Eh, we're tall we'll get in. Some salesgirl was trying to push a storecard on me the other day and wouldn't accept I'm not 18. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT HE BECAME BULEMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZOMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha, yes and the pictures Danny and Harry took of them looking pregnant and talking to their bumps. Awwwwh.
  9. falsesmiles


    Ew Atomic Kitten. Local bands could be good methinks too. Haha, you daftie. I'm not sure if we really need them for Jersey because it's part of Britain, but seeing as you need them for N. Ireland it's probably best safe than sorry. He'd look daft skin and bone I think. I miss his puppy fat, it was adorable and so Tom y'know. But then being in a band with three other thin things would make me want to lose weight too.
  10. falsesmiles


    I just looked on the BBC site for Jersey and it looks like loads of music stuff goes on, just not huge tours that's all. Let's go to an open mic night for the hell of it! Ew he did, it made his podginess look NOT CUTE. Poor thing.
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