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Cult Icon

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Everything posted by Cult Icon

  1. She literally looks like an elf : D
  2. @Enrico_sw did you play the lady orianna mission in Blood and Wine?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/c/OwlKitty/videos
  4. I don't like how most people in my neighborhood remove their halloween stuff immediately. Most of it is gone now... I saw a moose over here for the first time.
  5. ^ I think this game was pretty popular circa 2015
  6. I am nearing the end of "Blood of Elves". A lot of important characters make their first appearence here. In looking up info about Season 1 and skimming through my copy, it looks like a loose adaptation of the material because the director was ordered to have certain characters in every episode. Even though I finished books 1, 2, 8 and most of 3 there are tons of things that I don't recognize.
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