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Status Updates posted by COP11

  1. 5 for you too!

  2. Thank God I leave Monday! It is supposed to hit 110 and higher next week!! And we don't 80's and 90's here. We have 100's!

  3. Odd isn't it? Happens to me every time I hit 2 or 3 stars

  4. I don't like these male models. The 90's had better males then today

  5. You go right ahead! I still won't post my photos! You only have about 2 more days with me

  6. I am not posting big hair pictures of myself!

  7. And there are too many of those girl boy things around! But even when I was a teenager I was more respectful of the past. I actually preferred the past back then. I always wanted to glam it up

  8. Back down to 3 stars again. I know you are so hurt over that

  9. In our opinion it doesn't but it is sad how these younger girls have 0 respect for anything these days.

  10. I love anything vintage! But you know that already

  11. I just put up the new promo

  12. Good morning babe! Hope you have a good day hun

  13. He's a really good friend. One of the very few people I trust any more

  14. What do you mean HOW? You are hot!! Of course you are going to be noticed

  15. Lu!!! It was a joke!!! And I am good hun. Getting ready for next week!

  16. I am good and you? You have a special admirer lucky girl!

  17. That's why it's good to be boss. Although I do have bosses too but one is a golf fanatic and the other one is a WOW fanatic. I hardly ever see them

  18. You red headed temptress you!

  19. It gets a little better each day.

  20. I hate meetings. I usually have to travel to Tulsa for mine. And that sucks

  21. Kids are so expensive to begin with. A lot of people don't realize that when they have one. And I am good so far. How are you?

  22. Hey hun! I have to take William back to the dentist today. He is still swollen from last week

  23. Well that sucks!

  24. Yes I do Limer! And when I say that about someone, it means I like you :)

  25. Thanks hun! And yes, Limey is something...

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