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Status Updates posted by COP11

  1. You know how these morons are on here

  2. You know these people. I'm wrong if I don't see it their way

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. On yeah! Due in April. How are you?

  5. I think she's look 15 there. She doesn't now though

  6. Tired! This heat sucks and being pregnant isn't helping either

  7. You will do just fine sweetie

  8. Sweetie, you are one of the very, very , very few on here with a good sense of humor.

  9. Glad someone with a sense of humor is a mod now :)

  10. Glad to see you have a new title sweetie!

  11. YAY you're a mod now! Congrats hun!

  12. Where are you!

  13. Um... I think it's more than just a couple of things hun!

  14. I did not know that. And it worked :)

  15. You can see it? I hate this! It takes like 3 or 4 days for it to go through on my computer. WTF? Well glad you like it. I loved it!

  16. I should have stayed in Florida. It's 109 right now at 7pm

  17. I'm not in the mood for idiots so I came on tonight. Hopefully there will be no more problems

  18. I'm leaving for two weeks. Talk to you when I get back. Stay out of trouble!

  19. Have fun without me!!

  20. I will talk to you when I get back!

  21. But you would make a great admin. You know you would

  22. I can't wait until Monday. It is supposed to get up to 110+ here next week so i am leaving at the right time!

  23. I hope they all clear out before next week!

  24. Good mornin hun. Already way too hot here!

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