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Status Updates posted by COP11

  1. You was really fed up with certain people so she probably won't be on

  2. You were right about argan oil. It is wonderful!

  3. You will do just fine sweetie

  4. COP11

    You, my dear, may call me by my real name, Angela:)

    Happy Holidays love!

  5. You'd be surprised. There are plenty of idiots that do

  6. You're gonna anger the masses on here with that statement!!!! Most don't "real women" on here

  7. Your personal photo is so cute!

  8. Your sig is awesome!

    That says it all!

  9. So you changed your name back. The last time I was on here, you had a different name.

    1. ILUVAdrianaLima


      Woah, long time no see! :o And ya, the name is more fitting this way :D

  10. Wow this place has changed! How've you been?

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