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Status Updates posted by AnaBBarrosFan

  1. Haha, see? I do have good instincts. As for what bugged you, whenever your up for it just message me. No rush.

  2. Haha, she really did look stunning in that one editorial didn't she? Sometimes I find her face too sharp and cold, but sometimes it looks just right. Thanks for the compliment sweetie. <3

  3. Haha, thanks sweetie. I'm sort of sick of BZ and how fucking stupid and sensitive the members here are getting. I figured that when they come over to my page to vote me down (ROFL) they can fill that out and be done with it.

  4. Haha, the second I found that I was like: "MUST BE ON MY PAGE!!!" *twitch* lol

  5. Happy Happy Wednesday!

  6. Happy Native American Slaughter Day!

  7. Happy Tuesday to you too, babe! *hug*

  8. Hate is a strong word. xD But I'm not too fond of it. And 1/2 is perfect. ^.^

  9. Haven't said hi in FOREVER! How are you, gorgeous?

  10. Having epic internet problems so I'll be on sporadically. <3

  11. Having internet probs, so until it gets permanently fixed I'll be on very sparringly. <3 Much love, sweetie!

  12. Hehe, thank you! I'm a HUGE fan of her's and I thought it was a crime I hadn't made myself a set yet. ^.^

  13. Hey gorgeous! Nothing being a bum at home. you?

  14. Hey honey! I'm the first comment on your page! Love you to death, sweetie!

  15. Hey honey. Dropping by to say hi. <3

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