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Everything posted by russellb

  1. I guess I was pretending to be someone who doesn't do it at that time...
  2. When I'm in Detroit, I run red lights The cops don't mind, it's aight They say "You can do whatever - You're white" Baby, I can do whatever - I'm white
  3. If you use steroids, or use "advanced" supplements improperly, you will develop some. If you just lift weights and keep your diet "natural" there will be no side effects other than injuries from improper lifting, but you would know about those right as they happen.
  4. Because I imaged someone one making eyes at them self in the mirror while nude and whispering things like: "Man, you are so funny... and your obliques... let me tell you now nice your obliques are looking-"
  5. Funny commercials. I don't like Planet Fitness' message though. The feeling I get is that it is geared towards average Joes who go to the gym once a month, women who are only interested in using a treadmill, and guys with man boobs who just want to be able to say "Well I am doing something about it". That's why their prices are so low. They have pizza nights once a month, at the gym, wtf is that? And apparently you can forget about getting a knowledgeable personal trainer, because people who know how to and are serious about working out are not welcome there. As dumb as you think bodybuilders are, there is a lot more that goes into getting in great shape than just counting calories and drinking protein shakes.
  6. As far as forum pics go, yes some are retarded. But most post for the reasons I mentioned. About your edit, bodybuilding is not a term for just people who get huge. In my case, for example, it is about being in a better shape than I was in before. So now the fact that I look great in my birthday suit is an addition to my personality
  7. You have obviously not been on men's body building forums.
  8. russellb

    I Am...

    Getting ready for the gym!!!
  9. Snow boots aren't very revealing oftentimes...
  10. I am hilarious and awesome in general... Why so serios??
  11. russellb

    Pet Peeves

    ^^ LOL that picture reminds me of one of my pet peeves. People in their late teens to early twenties, actually, people of all ages, saying things like "If you don't know who this is/don't like this (and they are usually talking about some 50s to early 90s rock band, but it can be anything as long as it is "old school"), you are what's wrong with this world!" Really? I thought Verdi was decent. Vivaldi was pretty good, and Beethoven, Mozart and Tchaikovsky were just awesome. But of course, since I don't think that "Bohemian Rhapsody" is genius, I am an asshole. Stop quoting Cobain and acting like Lennon and Mercury invented music, you are not that different from a Bieber fan...
  12. I hate it when people get their, there and they're mixed up. /Grammar Nazi.
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