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Status Updates posted by russellb

  1. Yes, m'am. Good day to you! :)

  2. Careful what you wish for, I might turn into a stalker :P

  3. A female stalker?? Nice. *high five*

  4. Just because it's holiday? ;) I know you love me. Merry Christmas to you too.

  5. What's going on!!!???

  6. I apologize. Hehehe

  7. Hehe, me too! Didnt snow that much, but enough.

  8. That's almost summertime. I was in Wyoming last week, it dropped to -39F.

  9. I don't think anyone would survive lol

  10. I have posted one a while ago. Hung over, getting breakfast, bloodshot eyes, looking like chipmunk. http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?s=&showtopic=662&view=findpost&p=2034744 i am the brunette

  11. LOL, trust me, I won't look much hotter sober :P

  12. Oh ok, so why the sober pic then?

  13. More of what?

  14. What is happening!?

  15. Thank you for the wishes! :)

  16. Bringing sexy back, eh?

  17. Well, thank you! :)

  18. I do, don't I?

  19. I don't know. You were saying you want to see more of me, and I was just curious why :)

  20. Me gets curious when people show interest.. :P

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