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Everything posted by MattLoveModels

  1. MattLoveModels


    So Kolb's getting his shot, as he should, but if he sucks for even 2 games (which i kind of want) i think Vick could be getting a new contract. C'mon man, we have the most exciting player IN SPORTS on our team, how can you not play him
  2. MattLoveModels

    Now Playing

    Norah Jones - I Wouldn't Need You
  3. MattLoveModels

    Now Playing

    Al Green - Love and Happiness
  4. ^ one of my favorites nice avi btw. i had an idea for that but it includes nakedness. damn bz rules. I watched a few movies the past couple days, all really good. In order of how good they were Rushmore The Wrestler Where the Wild Things Are
  5. That would be kind of freaky. Why are you always freezing though? You'd think they'd give a MOD better internet
  6. too bad her acting skills are limited because she's got one of the best looks in hollywood. so gorgeous
  7. happy birthday again :D

  8. thanks! that sucks though :/ i remember when i was sick a few years ago, i spent most my time on bz haha. it helps the healing process. do you have msn? weird we never talked outside bz i feel like we've known each other forever

  9. how did you save it? vimeo wont let me. think you could send it to me? btw why are you awake?

  10. omg i love you. i swear at the end of that vid just now i yelled "dont end!" haha what was the for anyway? advertising? who cares :p

  11. yea i tried her album, its ok, might get better on 2nd listen. and you like Marloes! she's always topless haha. unless she decided to put on a top, i havent been in her thread in awhile. btw how does your sig work? is the background grey?

  12. this is so good :|

  13. MattLoveModels


    I'm happy for him. I'm not a McNabb hater. I still want him When he left, i know this sounds wrong, i hoped Kolb would get injured so Vick could start. And if anyone saw yesterday's game (hopefully not that Weaver leg injury, OMG :| ) Vick is looking like his old self, Andy Reid doesn't want to look bad so of course he's still saying Kolb is the man. Even the "Kolb supporters" want Vick now fuckin Philly fans btw Ravens showed who's boss in the AFC tonight. Ray Lewis is still the best defensive player in the league, he's amazing and the Pats. no ones been talking about them, they're always in the mix. Surprise team for me this year is the Titans. go VY!
  14. MattLoveModels

    Now Playing

    James Brown - Papa's Got A Brand New Bag, Pt 1
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