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Posts posted by Stamoholic

  1. Brooke Shields - Photograph by Scavullo - Book- The Art of Vogue Photographic Covers by Valerie Lloyd - Ocopus Books - 1986 - scanned by Ruslana_Rules at The Fashion Spot ( + two more Scavullo's)




  2. ^ :laugh: Thank you. I always really enjoy making them and reading the results. And it's nice to see Kathy getting some love on this poll! :hug: She has some of the most beautiful eyes - the shape and the unique color.

    But I've got to say the third picture I posted of Erika is just hypnotizing me. When that girl waxed her Munster eyebrows she was beyond perfection!

    Bio's will be up tomorrow, probably. xxXxx

  3. ^ Aww, that's sweet! :p (Y)

    I know I think this is a toughie as well. They're all REAL cream of the crop sex symbols, IMO.

    I'm kinda wishing I gave my face vote to Kathy rather than Brooke, though. I love Kathy's feline face. IMO, they could all be given 1st place in all 3 catagories, though.

  4. Three sex symbols of the 80's who made eyebrows cool. :laugh: Who is your favorite?

    :heart: PICTURES: :heart:


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    post-26767-0-1446017892-25423_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017892-28226_thumb.jpgpost-26767-0-1446017892-3374_thumb.jpgpost-26767-0-1446017892-36536_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017892-39391_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017892-42123_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017892-43199_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017892-45243_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017892-49539_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017892-50284_thumb.jpg

    Please think about your votes. Don't give any one girl 3 votes just because she is your favorite. Examine each in accordance with the question asked ( e.g, don't give Erika all three just because you like her, when actually you think Kathy has a better body, or whatever). Thank you and enjoy! xXx

  5. I voted for Aishwarya Rai because I think she is aging better than Angie is. So, at the moment, Aishwarya is more beautiful.

    Talk about them in their prime... that's an impossible choice! That's like choosing between Heaven and Paradise.

  6. How the hell is Adriana losing?

    Irina is gorgeous but I always think she looks slightly bitchy and her face sometimes looks dirty, like those woman you see who wear too much bronze tan and pink lipstick. Ick! Obviously she's not ugly AT ALL, but Adriana is one of the most beautiful people in the world.

  7. Okay, so this poll isn't totally random. I'm not sure which one of these blondes is my favorite :p So, help me decide!

    Pamela today is just a joke IMO, so I'm only providing pictures of her in the early 90s when she actually looked like who she is! :laugh:

    :heart: PICTURES :heart:


    Jaime Pressly

    post-26767-0-1446017898-53499_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017898-56938_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017898-59741_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017898-69743_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017898-71441_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017898-7753_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017898-78706_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017898-803_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017898-89018_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017898-92737_thumb.jpg

    Pamela Anderson ( 90's)

    post-26767-0-1446017898-93396_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017898-96262_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017898-98115_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017899-06434_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017899-09772_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017899-13138_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017899-17643_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017899-20333_thumb.jpg post-26767-0-1446017899-22705_thumb.jpgpost-26767-0-1446017899-35827_thumb.jpg

  8. ^ She looks lovely there! Your scans are always so good. xx

    Honestly, I'm 100% straight but there's something about Jaime that drives me crazy! :blush: :heart: I can look at other female celebs, models etc. and maybe think " Okay, they're technically better looking" but Jaime has just got something that's so sexy!

















  9. My personal votes went as follows:

    Best Face: Pamela ( She's a little vampish now, but in 1992 she had the prettiest face I think I've ever seen on a person.)

    Best Body: Yasmine ( It goes without saying. Carmen and Angelica and Pam had good bodies too, but Yasmine's was given to her by God, not some Hollywood scalpel happy surgeon.)

    Least Favorite: Carmen ( She was beautiful and funny, but I think seeing her reality show with Dave N. just killed her sexiness stone dead for me. She came off way too cheap.)

    Gena nearly got my least favorite vote, but recently I saw an interview with her and she came off so helpless and sweet it was endearing. So, sorry Carmen!

    Glad people are enjoying this poll!! xxXxx

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