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Posts posted by Stamoholic

  1. I really enjoy the duality of Eva's looks.

    To me, she somehow simultaneously has a face that is immensly regal and fine and also very Anna Nicole meets Gena Lee Nolin plastic fantastic! lol!

    I really enjoy this aspect of her though. I like it I think because often when a model is too ethereal looking I can't think of her as a real person, and I eventually get bored...

    Eva is ethereal looking but that slightly cheap, sexy thing about her gives her an extra kick and makes her interesting to me.

    Also, Eva has forced me to officially boycott Askmen.com as totally ridiculous. They have her like a 78 for sexiness. Eva might not be many things, but sexy she definitely is!

  2. ^ Thanks! Great video! xXxXx

    Do you what I really love about Elle? She is a TOTALLY unique beauty.

    In a modern world of surgery that can artificially create the appearance of breasts like Laetitia Casta's and butts like Cindy Crawfords and waists like Brigitte Bardot's, it simply CANNOT artificially create a body like Elle's!

    It cannot give anyone those proportions... it cannot give anyone those legs... it cannot give anyone that height... it cannot give them that length of bone and muscle...

    Elle is a marvel of nature. No one can pay to look like Elle MacPherson. You can't fake beauty that real and that unique.

  3. ^ Exactly. This separation between " commercial" and " HF" is really such new concept in its present form.

    In the super days, they did everything. They were versatile.

    P.s: Have to say, as a long time TFS'er, I find it really cool and weird to be having this type of convo on the net! lol! I'd have like twelve warnings by now on TFS! Ha ha!

  4. ^ Totally understand! (Y) :flower:

    It's funny because I used to be such a HF snob, thinking that any girl who wasn't an a catwalk and under 80 pounds wasn't a real model. Then I got into the Supers and then the old SI stuff and it totally blew my mind. I realized how ridiculous and ignorant I was!

    Still, there are a lot of HF obsessed people who seem to genuinly think girls like Natasha Poly ( who is a fab model, IMO) have " hot" bodies. It actually makes me wanna barf now! :ninja:

    I hate when they act like snobs towards the VS and SI girls. I just makes me roll my eyes, because they obviously have no clue - regarding reality or the history of modeling! <_<

    P.S: this is not directed at anyone in particular. Just a general mind-set of some fashion-lovers today! xXx

  5. I like Cintia's body type :ninja: and she is actually not that skinny compared to a lot of fashion models.

    Not at all :heart:, I did mention that. By HF standards Cintia is curvy, and her body does have nice curves, but over-all her body is still very skinny when compared to what most straight men really like.

    Men like to look at a toned, curvy body with boobs. A body that is the opposite of their own! :laugh: A WOMAN'S body.

    Cintia is definitely womanly by HF standards and does have curves, but I think what the OP meant was that they're skinny curves, you know, and her limbs are rather fragile :heart:

    Hope you understand! xx

    I am NOT attacking Cintia by saying any of this. I like Cintia :heart:

  6. ^^ It's when you see Laetitia standing next to men that you really realize how unbelievably feminine she is.

    In the words of Janice D., " Forget Bo Derek in Ten!"

    Laetitia really is the most beautiful woman in the world... she's the ultimate woman... she IS the female form!

  7. ^ Well said. A man would rather have a body like Laetitia C's next to him than Kate Moss' any day of the week! IMO if he wouldn't be might want to re-evaluate how much he actually likes women! lol!

    I don't think skinny is sexy at all and I never have. I've never met another girl that actually does either! What's sexy is being really TONED so you don't have flabby bits, and being curvy and having a nice set of boobs and a butt :p . It's looking like a woman not a 10 year old boy.

    I agree that Jessica G's body is incredible, even though she's not my fav girl in SI> I don't think that Cintia is too skinny ( definitely not when you consider her in the HF market) but for male orientated products she might look a tad thin. If she's thinking of sticking with SI and moving away from HF though she might want to put on a few pounds, I agree. xx

  8. ^ Have to agree. Her skin and eye tone make her exotic, but if she didn't have those features I think she would seem more like a HF girl.

    Also, Irina Shayk has that pouty kind of sexy. To a lot of men that's very hot, but some prefer a more natural look or even a more " innocent" look. That's one of the good things about SI ( or at least old SI) - every guys " type" of girl was\is in the issue somewhere.

  9. Jarah Mariano : Good enough. She indeed doesn't have much sex-appeal but it's OK for me. You don't have to be a sex-bomb to sell swimsuits. My favorite shot is the one with the pullover.

    LoL! Tell that to the guys at Askmen.com! They gave her a 95 for sexiness! That's higher than Elle MacPherson, Christie Brinkley, and, to my knowledge, only topped by Laetitia Casta who they gave a 98!

    I'm not saying they're the official book on what's hot ( No way! I think in a ton of cases they give really cheap plastic creatures stupidly high scores) but they definitely seem to think Jarah is one of the sexiest models in SI right now.

    I actually would agree with them in this case. I find her really interesting. I think she has an energy about her in her pictures that's very unique and definitely separates her from the pack. Not to mention her body is AMAZING!! :drool:

    did anyone watch the video of jessica white in the body paint!!!....they showed EVERYTHANG!!!!!....lol and did u see about half through when the editor diane or whatever is totally like checking jessica out hard core!!! lol, i knew knew!!

    LOL!!! :laugh: :heart: Best post in the thread so far!!

    That would explain all the high-voltage try-hard sexiness in the issue lately. It's Diane getting her kicks!!

  10. Heidi Klum_Access Hollywood Sexiest Models video


    VIDEO = 18 MB = 2:59 = High Quality

    God how old is this post? I know! But the link is dead and I would be really thankful if someone could re-upload this video for me! Thanks! xxXxx :heart: :heart:

  11. ^ I dunno if there is a " specific reason" ( maybe someone else could say more xxx) but I know there has been speculation that her cover last year was her " send off" from SI and that she's just focusing on being a VS angel now.

    Personally, I hope that's not true. I can't see why she couldn't do both, you know? Unless VS don't want her doing SI anymore... I dunno.

    She could just being taking a break this year for what ever reason. Maybe she'll be back next year! Hey, she's got a cover but she hasn't beat Elle's record yet! lol!

  12. Aaaw, I'm glad Gisele's name has come up in this thread!

    I've always DREAMED that SI would snag Gisele, the last of a great race - the supermodels :blush:

    It's funny, I always liked Marisa but I never considered her a "great" SI model until today... her presence is very much missed in this issue, I think, even if you don't like her.

    Also, I love Cintia, but I can get why people don't find her appealing. She has freckles, she has a slightly lazy eye, and very plush lips. To me she's stunning, but I can understand how to other people she may seems a little puffy and angular. :heart: I love that everyone has different opinions here and can express them!

    I think for 2010 SI could really do with upping it's image ( as it seems to be trying to do) and maybe even scouting some AMAZING girls themselves who have the full SI package - gorgeous body, face, and vibrant personality - and perhaps contracting them for a few years so that people will get to know them as SI girls, and buy SI to see THEM, you know?

    They also need to revamp their photo shoots ( This seems to be an agreed on issue in this thread). I know Julie Campbell used to attend all of the photo shoots in her day and over-see them to make sure the photographers did what SI wanted ( I even remember in one video a photographer told two of the girls to " put their buns together" and Campbell said, " No hips!" LOL!) Maybe right now it's just the photographers being left to work with the models basically on their own, and therefore IMO that would explain the more bland shoots, since the photogs maybe just think, " It's SI. It's swimwear. Eeh, just look sexy!"

    I dunno, that's just a theory and it's probably wrong! :laugh:

    I really feel that if they simply added ( or " re-added") three things to the photo shoots it would make a huge difference: More movement, more emotions, and more props ( Not cheesy ones, but ones that fit the environment like they used to have, e.g Kathy Ireland with the mounted fish)

    If they did all this, the issue could be top-notch again ( I think, anyway)

    God, I really wish they had a feedback option at the SI site!

    Anyway, just want to say to everyone this thread has been really great! xXx :heart: :heart:

  13. I dunno, I think a lot of that is confirmation bias. I might get impressions of personality from pictures and videos, but I just feel like I can't know anything about someone's personality without meeting them.

    It's not confirmation bias. I'm not saying we KNOW any of these models, but I'm saying we got " impressions of personality from pictures", as you finely put it, and that's all you need for a picture to be fantastic. The newer SI girls have no visible personality to them in their pictures, that's my opinion :flower:

    ^...you sound like the people who boycotted when cheryl tiegs got the cover cause it was to "risque".

    Was this towards my comment on the personality thing or towards people opinions on Bar? Sorry, I'm confused! :flower:

  14. I'm a believer in the theory of symmetry and averageness when it comes to physical attractiveness so my ideal doesn't often mesh with the concept of unique looking models, although there are plenty of exceptions that don't seem to violate either principle.

    I think it's sometimes the non-average looking ones that are some of the best. The personality too - like you can see from the videos and pictures.

    This is so true! OMG! (Y)

    Fantastic statement. Think about it in terms of some of the favorite SI girls, like, say, Elle and Heidi and Kathy.

    In Kathy's pictures, even if she was half-naked, you could just tell she was the sweetest girl ever and that gave her a hot " girl next door appeal". She was officially the " most popular" SI girl ever, and I bet her "vibe" and personality had a lot to do with it.

    In almost all of Heidi's early SI pictures, her vibrant, cheeky, goofy little personality comes through and that makes most of the shots.

    And, in a ton of Elle's pictures you can see that boys-girl attitude she has, that she could hang out with all the guys and beat them at sports and make fun of them, and still be completely lovable.

    It's a really good point about the personality thing in pictures. I think that's what's actually maybe missing from SI now. All of the girls look like the same person because they're just projecting sex and nothing of their personalities.

    EDIT: Sorry, here are some pictures to illustrate the point with the aforementioned girls! Compare these to the SI shots we've received today and I think it's easy to see what I mean:

    This is KATHY:

    073wk4.jpg \nFree Image Hosting by ImageBam.com

    This is HEIDI:


    This is ELLE:


    Their personalities shine through in all of these pictures.

  15. ^ No that makes perfect sense. (Y)

    Everyone will look at SI differently. For example:

    I'm a girl in my very early twenties who loves modeling and the history of SI and the former SI models. I look at sexiness in a different way to how a guy does. Also, my love of the SI history means that I've got really high expectation of the issue. I measure every issue against the " good old days" and measure every model against Christie Brinkley, Kathy Ireland, Cheryl Tiegs and Elle McPherson. So, as you can imagine, that makes my SI expectations high! lol!

    HOWEVER, to a straight guy today who doesn't care about the history of SI or the " art" of modeling, many of these pictures will be brilliant and amazingly perfect and sexy. All he may care about is how hot the models are and if they're hot he's happy! lol!

    Hell, some weird people might even look at it for the swimwear! :laugh:

    Everyone will look at this differently. It's interesting when everyone shares their opinions!

  16. I was going to make a comment about how poses and facial expressions < overwhelming hotness, but then I realized the more I talk in here the more likely I am becoming the equivalent of the girl at the Super Bowl party who asks endless questions about the uniforms and ruins it for the real fans.

    So, I'm just gonna shut up and look at pics.

    :laugh: :heart: :heart:

    Go ahead! What do you mean by " poses and facial expressions < overwhelming hotness"? :flower:

  17. Yeah, that's another good point. IMO, if they've got such gorgeous models, they should just let them be naturally gorgeous and use lighting to create the right sort of look for the picture. Airbrushing is just the reality of today though, were everything has to be hyperreal or it's ugly.

    But it makes them hyper-unreal. Not in a good way :dontgetit:

    That's the point :heart: Hyperreality means a hyper ( therefore unreal) form of reality, e.g all woman in magazines having super glossy skin. That is " hyperreal".

    Yeah, the posing this year was really bad, I agree. It's so confusing how they can go from the dynamic shoots that they used to do with Brinkley and Elle and Kathy and Paulina to just lumping a ton of girls on a beach and telling them to pull at their swimwear :blink:

  18. ^ So glad they've simplified the cover again. Last year and the year before it had too much text all over it. This looks much better, although I agree the angle is weird. I think the photographer was kneeling down when he took the photo, and that's why Bar looks really big!

    ^ I wish SI had a feedback section for the swimsuit issue.

    I would suggest for them to not airbrush/cartoon-ise the pictures :no:

    Yeah, that's another good point. IMO, if they've got such gorgeous models, they should just let them be naturally gorgeous and use lighting to create the right sort of look for the picture. Airbrushing is just the reality of today though, were everything has to be hyperreal or it's ugly.

  19. ^ I wish SI had a feedback section for the swimsuit issue. I don't think this issue is really crap, but there are like three points that I would love to bring to SI's attention.

    1. A girl who's looking sexy and smiling is hot! Looking sexy and blank or moody in every shot is very boring unless the models Brazilian, then somehow it sort of works! lol!

    2. Why are the girls not allowed to interact with people or animals in their shots anymore? There is one picture of Irina with all the men and it's fab! More!

    3. I miss when the girls were actually doing things in their shots, e.g cooling off in the sea, running, holding props. It's okay to have the occasional shot of them simply sitting in the sand looking at the camera, but almost every shot in this issue is like that.

    Unimaginative is the right word, kelvinc. It didn't used to be like that though, so I really don't understand it.

    Also, although she's very sweet, did anyone else find the picture of Esti in the water-wings slightly disturbing? They would have been a cool prop on another girl, but on Esti they just sort of emphasized how young-looking she is!

  20. ^ Very good point.

    Having looked through the whole site, I actually have to say I enjoyed Tennis star's Daniela Hantuchova and Maria Kirilenko's pictures the best!

    Those pictures of them both running through the water? Ugh! Gorgeous! So SI! Why didn't the actual MODELS get to do these types of pictures? Most of them are just staring dully at the camera! And Maria's smiling shots are amazing! She looks like a healthy, sexy, fun girl who's actually HAPPY to be in the pictures!

    Baah! It annoys me!

  21. If you ask me, this would have made an amazing cover:



    Brooklyn saves this issue for me, and that one shot of Jessica G. smiling and skipping over the rocks. I half feel like writing into SI and asking them to PLEASE let the girls show a variety of emotion next time. Sorry I'm such a broken record, but Kim C. pictures were painful. She has the same face in EVERY shot. She looked amazing but it's so boring!

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