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  1. Happy Birthday!! Hope it was a great one!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! Let's eat!

  3. happy birthday!!! i will get u some mozzarella & tomatoes out of AnaB's fridge! :D

  4. happy birthday!!! woohooo!!

  5. Happy Birthday!!!

  6. Happy Birthday!!

  7. Happy Birthday!!

  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. happy Wednesday memories!! :)

  10. hey *BB*, just finished shopping & trying to stay busy & positive. you switchin to eastern standard time soon or is that still a ways off?

  11. hey JK, just droppin in to say hi..enjoy ur weekend? workin on any drawings lately?

  12. hey N, beautiful name btw :) i hope you didn't overload your metabolism like i did. at one meal i looked at my plate and there was mashed potatoes, rice, AND noodles! Oh noooo!!

  13. hey Steph, how's life in Brazil treating you? hope all is well :)

  14. hey! doing great, back from short vacation in Rio for carnaval. aww man, me jealous..if you were really thinkn of me you'd order me sum o that cantonese goodness!! ;P

  15. hi :) when the electric guitar has me frustrated & noone is looking, i pick up the air guitar and all of a sudden i can do no wrong ;)

  16. hi buddy, congrats 2 u & Brazil on getting 2016!!! Yay, even more tourists, lol!

  17. Hi Laffy Pika!!! :D

  18. Hi Sasha! Luv your personal photo ;) and of course your incredible ABB fansite!! Keep up the great work!

  19. Hi Steph! great avi. do u like to dream away while cooking..? ;)

  20. hi, just wanted to say great sig!!

  21. hi!!! hope you're doing okay! :D

  22. i didn't do too well in my college art history class, i luvd all the art but can't remember the artists..poor memory, lol.

  23. i heard some bad news about R.J. today & thought of you...miss u around here

  24. i know u like 80's music, heard a song in mickey dee's today & thought of u..The Motels..Only the Lonely or Suddenly Last Summer..can't remember :)

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