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Status Updates posted by Rox

  1. Sorry, saw your comment a bit late :P

    I'm doing good, even cleaned my room today :ninja: how's you?

  2. Checking out the site for my house right :whistle:

  3. Omg pool o.o how awesome.

    no that's seriously cool :ninja: here you only have a pool in your garden if you're super rich.

  4. OKok, well congrats :P ..Have any cake left you can donate to Rox? *whistle*

  5. Pretty ava by the way, I'm starting to like Taylor's face better.. Never thought Id say that :ninja:

  6. Looks like an awesome place to live .. I need to figure out if I have family in California xD.. I want to visit :blah:

  7. Of course, the pools and sunny weather are calling me :hehe:

    I studied all day, so I'm giving myself a break now.. just being on the computer, should be sleeping :ninja:

  8. Rox

    Thanks for the birthday wishes :laugh:

    ..But I wants a bomb .__.

    And oooh, biochemical weapon.. good idea, on which country should we test it :evil:

  9. Sooo overrated :rofl: Might go to bed soon though, not now, because last night i went to bed really early, but was reading a book in bed, and I fell asleep with all the lights still on.. And when my dad went to bed (really late, around 5) he thought id been up al night again, and when i told him i fell asleep he thought i was making excuses, so he's a bit angry now xD

  10. Okok.. Good luck :P I live near Amsterdam, about 10 or 15 minutes away by car. From Stockholm we first had to drive 650 km to another place, where we took the boat (6 hours) to Germany, and from Germany it was about 670 km. But with 3 kids in a car you need to stop a lot of times lol :P

  11. Heyhey. oh np. I wanted to say hi bugt they you went off :laugh: I'm ok, going to my cousin's graduation in a moment. how are you?

  12. :rofl: oops, speaking of trouble, dad just came upstairs.. gotto go.

    Bye loser, was nice talking to you :)

  13. Ohh ya merry x-mas loser! :D just letting you know that you are winning an award for roxy;s fav loser of 2010!

  14. Yea, you're right. See, you have a lot of knowledge too ;) ... Guess I just underestimate myself too much *whistle*

  15. I'm gooood. thx (: Just came back from Holiday, spent 24 hours in the car .. so did a lot of sleeping lol. All my muscles just feel sore now :|

  16. Alrighty *shakes hand too* Lima used to be my fav, but I like Natasha Poly and Bianca Balti, Isabeli Fontana etc better now. But still, Lima's special :D

  17. Just wanted to say that your ava is amazing *rofl*

  18. Nooooh. Never *ninja*.

    ... Maybe.. >.<

  19. Hehe, hope you can still walk there :P

    btw what's your name? Mine is Roxanne but that was probably not really hard to guess if youve seen my username :hehe:

  20. :p Ah well, it was fun anyway.. no actually, I slept pretty muhc the entire trip, so I don;t know lol. How many kids do you have?

  21. Hehe, that's cool :D My sis is 2,5 years younger than me and my brother 10 years :| We stopped at mcDonalds a lot *whistle* hehe.

  22. Can't help that you are like an open book ;)

  23. Jaja, exactly :D And my brother, eventhough he's 5 doesnt talk yet.. but he's addicted to mcDonalds (he's stil skinny though :|- he jumps round A LOT ) and everytime we pass a Mac, we HAVE to stop, otherwise he will get tantrums lol :P And we were at a burger king, that had no trash cans, no toilets and you could only pay cash. :|

  24. Youre breaking my heart .___.

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