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Status Updates posted by *Bronx_Bomber*

  1. ~~ You make me laugh.:) Good to hear all is well in da hood.Tings are good here in SoCal.West side respek."Have another cream cake,fatty!...boing,boing,boing! ~~

  2. ~~ Booyakasha...easy now, rude boy."Is Disneyland part of the UN?":D Nah...it didn't seem rude to me.I thought is was pretty funny when I clicked the link & I was "Julie".How is tings on the west side of Staines? ~~

  3. ~~ Same here...just trying to relax.I wish sometimes people would suck my ass & leave me alone!I'm busy enough during the week.:p ~~

  4. ~~ Heeeeey...what's up,you crazy ass sucker?! Lol...You just chillin' this weekend? ~~

  5. ~~ Hello doll...how have you been? ~~

  6. ~~ "Politics...young people see the word and they immediately switch off.I wish I'd been told that before me had these massive fuckin' letters built." 'Ello,how is you,rude boy?You sayin' I is fit then,eh? ~~

  7. ~~ Just popped in to say hey.I hope you is checkin' yourself before you wreck yourself.Chicken dippers!!! :D ~~

  8. ~~ Yep...Andy Rooney looked truly confused.Lol..."Why don't they teach proper maffs in schools? Why teach in kilos and grams when you should deal in ounces, quarters and eighths?" See ya later. ~~

  9. ~~ Hahaha... Ain't dat a bit racialist?" Yep,that movie should be wickedly funny."We decided to come to the gayest state is the USA...Alabama!!" ~~

  10. ~~ Practically everything that guy says as Ali G is funny as hell.Ali G: "Lets talk about doctors. Does they have the right to end old people's lives?"


  11. ~~ Kinda funny that I was gonna leave that last quote as a comment for you."So hows bout them WMD's and them BLT's?" ~~

  12. ~~This show brings politicalist interviewing into this, the twentieth century. ~~ :D

  13. ~~ Hello...just popping in to say hey and wish you a nice weekend. :) See you around. ~~

  14. ~~ Yeah...BZ has been a little slow for a while at times.I'm glad to hear from you,my twin supreme. :) ~~

  15. ~~ Hey M...I hope you are good.I miss posting like crazy with you. :) See you later. :hug: ~~

  16. ~~ Hi...I was being sarcastic that's all.I know there was nothing vulgar about the post.I have a dry sense of humor.No offense taken. :) ~~

  17. Hi :) I'm enjoying it very much so far.I've been in finance/banking for 10 years now.Certainly keeps me busy and there are always opportunities to venture out into other areas.It's great the summer has been so nice there. ~~

  18. ~~ It's nice to hear from you. :) No...I had been only part time previously.I finally got back to full time.Sounds like you have been fairly busy as well.We will have to catch up one of these days in the Military Strategic Network.:ninja: :p ~~

  19. ~~ Ahhh...:hug: Aren't you the cuddly lil' bunny for accepting the invite. ;) I've been doing well,thanks.I started a new job a few weeks ago so I've been pretty busy lately.How have you been? ~~

  20. ~~ Nice to hear you are good. :) I have been doing well also.I started a new job a few weeks back so I have been pretty busy with that.I bet it's nice this time of the year in my dear England.I have only been there in the fall and it's always nice to me.:) ~~

  21. ~~ I was at work during the match actually.I nearly shouted several extremely foul words when I checked the 'net.:p How are you,btw? :) ~~

  22. ~~ Thanks...so funny. :rofl: One of my favorites is when he goes to the Philadelphia police academy training. ~~

  23. ~~ Hello :) Your avatar is so lovely.That smile...such a beauty.I love the quote as your personal statement also. ~~

  24. ~~Nice...I love that show & still watch them on DVD.Keep it real & big up yourself. ~~

  25. ~~ Hi :wave: Thanks for the comment.It's sweet of you.I hope you are doing good and have a great rest of the weekend. :) ~~

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