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Status Updates posted by *Bronx_Bomber*

  1. ~~ Damn....we are twisted!Lol.... ~~

  2. ~~ Do tell where this "Candy Boy" title originated from. :shifty: ~~

  3. ~~ Enjoyyyy the weekend,SL. ;) ~~

  4. ~~ Ewwwww....porque,porque,PORQUEEEEEEE?Lol ~~

  5. ~~ First off...NO crack smoking before leaving comments next time.Hahahaha...Oh,it's on...you *gasps* Liverpool supporter.And I agree,You won't win the title.*victory dance* Hmmm,refresh my memory?...Who just won UEFA Footballer Of The Year & FIFA World Footballer Of The Year?...Oh,that's right...Cristiano Ronaldo!!!:ninja:Grrrrr ~~

  6. ~~ Fuck...that's jack nasty!!First jumping on my culo until shit comes out now you're gonna stab it? :O ~~

  7. ~~ Fuck.I've been wanting to pip like a freak,but it's been so quite lately.:cain: ~~

  8. ~~ Get your sexxxxy on.:shifty: ~~

  9. ~~ GG-Mariam...my twin. :) How are you? :hug: ~~

  10. ~~ Glad to hear you are well.Here has been typical SoCal summer weather.It's been in the 90's and sunny.I do love when it cools down at night with the breeze.:) ~~

  11. ~~ Glad to hear you're doing fine.I got burned out with all the posting finally.Lol :-) ~~

  12. ~~ Good morning,LMS ;) ~~

  13. ~~ Good night to you as well.That's me in my personal pic.See you later. ~~

  14. ~~ Good too...just busy with work.I haven't even posted here in over a month!Crazy,huh?Lol!! ~~

  15. ~~ Gracias,mi hermana!:hug: I just noticed we have the same hobbies as well! :o I love how you mention eating twice...Lol!We should meet up in Madrid for lobster tail and then a footie match,yeah?!Ahhh...that would be sweet!Take care as always and we'll talk soon.:) XOXO ~~

  16. ~~ Gracias,S...finally got your user name changed...nice! ~~

  17. ~~ Grrr:ninja:lol ~~

  18. ~~ Grrrr...j/k Do you like Ali G,btw?Just curious...

  19. ~~ Haha!I do feel a slight urge/need for a siesta here actually.I know...at times someone needs to go against everything I ask and simply remove this laptop from my death-like-grip! ~~

  20. ~~ Haha...Culo-Nalga/Nalga-Culo alliance take over the mundo!!!Geez...I'm really getting silly now!! :rofl: ~~

  21. ~~ Hahaha... Ain't dat a bit racialist?" Yep,that movie should be wickedly funny."We decided to come to the gayest state is the USA...Alabama!!" ~~

  22. ~~ Hahaha.....you have!!!Just kidding!!! ~~

  23. ~~ Happy belated bday,fellow Leo! ~~

  24. ~~ Happy Birthday :) ~~

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