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Everything posted by Fantasy

  1. Fantasy

    Megan Fox

    Don't know how many have been posted already, but I'm not going all the way back to find them. So if there are reposts, to bad
  2. Fantasy

    Megan Fox

    Well, I don't think that her skills are that bad. I've seen Revenge of the Fallen yesterday and while her performance wasn't oscar winning, I actually thought she did a good job. Her skills didn't bother me or something. Here are some pictures to brighten up this thread.
  3. Fantasy

    Summer Glau

    /monthly_06_2009/post-20889-0-1446129109-25368_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="4511005" alt="post-20889-0-1446129109-25368_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="148.79"> Free Image Hosting by ImageBam.com She's great btw. Loved her in Serenity, Firefly, T:tscc and Tbbt. Hope to see more of her.
  4. Believe me, my mathematical skills are above yours(I don't take advanced math classes because I suck at it...). I'm suprised tho that you can't read that well. I said that in 5, maybe 10 years you're still posting here(so that would means that in 2014, maybe even 2019, you're still bashing her). I never mentioned the time between you joining this site and now. Funny that you can't see how devoted you're. You keep responding to posts on a women(that you don't know either) you hate. You're just the same as we are. This isn't a discussion anymore, you're just looking for a fight(which is pretty sad btw). And please, you are evaluating everything she does. You read everything about her and think off something bad to say about her. And if you aren't evaluating her, then you need to stop copying the media and taking over their opinions. Also, the reason I'm responding to this is because you made it personal.
  5. Fantasy

    Megan Fox

    You all seem to enjoy picking it apart, so yes I've chosen to share my rebutal with you. Feel free to stop responding anytime and my replies will doubtless end too.. pity you all seem to be hyper-sensitive when it comes to the slightest negative point. You know, it's pretty sad that in 5, maybe 10 years, you're still here posting the same things you do now. It's because you can't let her go. She's interesting for you, may you like it or not. You say you like bringing up controversial points, but it's only to make you feel better. You're evaluating everything she says, and that's fine, because that's who you are. But you're trying to hard. You want people to say that you're right. I don't really care that you come here and bash her in every post. But like I said, I do find it sad that you will do that for as long as you can.
  6. Fantasy

    Megan Fox

    Don't you got better stuff to do then to annoy the shit outta me <_< .
  7. Fantasy

    Megan Fox

    It's funny how everyone is basically calling her a bitch based on 2 pictures from a random idiot called Perez Hilton. If you guys would do a little more research and say, watch some vids from that day, you would probably understand the whole situation. The only thing you guys see is a boy with a rose. What you guys don't see(or don't want to see) are the hundreds of paparazzi, what you guys also don't see are the hundreds of flashes per second from their camera's, and what you guys aren't hearing is the constant yelling of hundreds of different people. She was also in a hurry and the security hold her to took her to the car asap. Think outside the box. You will be missed.. You either love her, or you hate her. But don't come here to talk bullshit about her only to start a useless discussion with the fans that actually like her. I don't post much, but when I come on this site, I want to see pictures and read information about people. Heck, a little discussion won't hurt anyone. But I do get annoyed by the fact that people are constantly comparing Megan or basically calling her a porn star. But whatever, the people who hate her will still come to this thread and probably start to bash me for defending her, call her fake and say(again) that they liked her.
  8. Fantasy


    Why a cat? Because a cat was a cult animal in ancient Egypt. Adriana dressed like Cleopatra --> Ancient Egypt --> Cats --> Adriana dressed like Cleopatra with a cat.
  9. Fantasy


    How much? 3 times more than Maybelline.
  10. Fantasy

    Megan Fox

    Spend a day with Megan Fox Oh yeah, here's her exclusive video Megan Fox Esquire Shoot I would love to spend a day with her .
  11. Fantasy

    Megan Fox

    Megan Fox sexiest woman by FHM
  12. Fantasy

    Megan Fox

    *Exclusive* Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Footage http://vimeo.com/4208071 Megan Fox looks hot!
  13. Fantasy

    Megan Fox

    Yezzir! She has a 1-page cameo in the May '09 issue of Maxim. The pic of her has three things: leather, cleavage, and motorcycles. I imagine a lot of pervs (including myself) will be using up an entire bottle of Jergen's lotion on that Maxim pic alone. Oh, what's that? You wanna see that photo? Hah, I dare you to find it. Hah, I dare you to post it!
  14. I'm disappointed with the amount of pictures . I thought there were many new swim pictures of her too but noooooo. Apparently, they only have new images of her in their stores.
  15. UHQ next.co.uk summer catalogue 2009 smaller but so cute Wow, VS can really learn something from these quality pictures.
  16. Don't think picture 15 is her either. Could be wrong tho.
  17. Here are 3 video's, 1 from NEXT, and 2 from Fashiontv. I think most of you already seen them, but I didn't(yes, shame on me). I also put the links up for download: it isn't the best quality, but what did you expect with youtube <_< . Download Download Download Oh, and here is an interview from 2008. I have no idea what she's saying, but it's still amazing. I didn't put this up for download. I can do that if anyone wants it.
  18. Because I don't got the time to cap these pictures, I'm just gonna post the site. Some new c&a pictures: http://www.cea.com.br/outonoinverno09/
  19. I know this reply is a couple days late, but thank you .
  20. Damnit, you beat me to it! Serieusly, Thank you for another Manu injection. Was getting pretty low on those lately. Wish there were new pictures of her every day .
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