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Status Updates posted by Berno

  1. Hey, Oh yeah i made it myself. :p

  2. Happy birthday :)

  3. Happy birthday! :)

  4. Suree :whistle:

    Yeah i have to be up at 8am for school, which isn't that bad i suppose...

    Im pretty good too...:)I should really be going to sleep now, but im not tired..:shifty:

  5. HAHA


    I'm too lazy. :blush:


  6. haha, maybe you're right.. :p

    Ok, bye.. :)

  7. Bernard..mmmm bernard! oooh yeahhh...


  8. Hey lay..How have you been? :)

  9. 👋👋

  10. Sorry i never wrote back..i didn't even realise i had a comment :(

    anyway, yes i had a really good time in CR..i went to loads of places..i probably seen the whole of Prague :p

    but i missed the internet :chicken:

  11. I'm sorry, i really love your ears :P

  12. She can't take a bad picture! :D I'm pretty good, on easter break. The weather has been shit tho, but otherwise i dont mind..How have you been?

  13. haha i was sad:(

    but now im happy O_o lol...everytime yuur on msn yuur always busy..:P..maybe coz u dont like me:(

  14. My inbox isn't full anymore so you can REPLY. You remember how to do that ya? :P

  15. It's actually pretty boring! :laugh:

    Except for last weekend..:p

    I will be doing something for Halloween so that will be the highlight of my week! :rofl:

  16. Okay, whatever.

  17. haha i was kinda jokin.but anyway..nah its ok i understand:P..lol i sound like an idiot:P..well i g2g now...so i'll talk 2 ya l8r...bye:)

  18. Haha cool...and we're the same age too so thats good.. :P

  19. its because you didn't even look at my profile :cry: :p

    that's good...im ok, thanks for asking :(:(



  21. Yes. well i dont post as much as I used to! :p

    Oh, I'm only joking with her...:mellow:

  22. No, I didn't..:P


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