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Status Updates posted by Berno

  1. Thanks Joe! :)

  2. Giants Causeway maybe?..:P

    eh well im not entirely sure what irish people in general think about czechs...coz i dont know if there is that many over here....its all polish here..:P...OH I'll be going to czech republic in july! :D to Prague...

  3. Haha, don't be mad.. :p

    Anyway, I posted a picture of me like a week ago. :blah:

  4. Thanks for the b-day wishes, i got very drunk, it was awesome :D And yeah, ulead gif animator is good for newbies, but the videos have to be in .avi format to make gifs outta them..

  5. and about Ireland...yeah i suppose in some places it is really really beautiful!! where would you be planning to go if you cam here? :)

  6. lol, ok...thanks! you too :)

  7. Well she's not.. :p

  8. I might use it when i change the one i have now. :P

    I have a business test tomorrow and i cant study for it because i have such a bad headache! >.<

  9. :evil:


  10. Ahhh, mum again.. :P

    Well fly over her and we can play together. :laugh:

  11. hahaha thanks! :D

    I'm guessing your a MNIE fan?!?! :p

  12. You better reply to all of my messages when you go online! :mad:

  13. I'm pretty good too.. :) Final year of school! So boring but at least it's only one more year.. :P

  14. haha pretty sweet aint it.. o rly? no i haven't heard anything. damn :/

  15. They got lucky!

    It could have ended 3-3..:cain:

  16. that's coz its on my profile :cain:

    hahaha.. :rofl: ahh god you're funny :P

    :shifty: how you dooin? :brows: :laugh:

  17. :sleep:

    Hurry up, jesus.

  18. It is cold yes. :P

    But you have to risk getting a cold for football.. :P

    Anyway, i gotta go, cya later.. :)

  19. Thanks a lot :) Same to you ;)

  20. heh, thanks so much! :) How have you been doin?

  21. Hey, Happy Birthday!.. :)

  22. Merry Christmas Sara. :D

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