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Everything posted by goose

  1. goose

    Tom Welling

    That's what it says on his bio.
  2. goose

    Tom Welling

    whats his wife look like?
  3. I started this thread if anyone is wondering. Look at it now..it's got 33 pages..
  4. Don is a character. funny guy at times.
  5. goose


    I met her wearing that skirt and took a pic with her..she's nice.
  6. goose


    I heard these two are good friends. They could be sisters but their not, I know. Both Maria, both hot.. I hope Kirilenko gets better and goes up the rankings. She has potential tho. Did well as a junior.
  7. goose


    she's got nice lips.. :evil: I think she looks much better than Hewitts girl
  8. We have something in common, Heaveth!!!
  9. These H and M adds are very nice.. impel, nice to have an Elise fan here and nice pics you posted..
  10. We know she doesn't look like this anymore.. Anyone know or read anything why she has gained weight. Does she not care about maintaining her weight. You could say its age but shes only in her 30s . And its not pregnancy.
  11. I'll kiss your ass, heaveth!
  12. I didn't even see this..it's scary I thought of the same thing as you did.
  13. his loss. blurdk: "Oregon here I come!"
  14. tyra is over rated and fugly what if she didn't have big boobs
  15. goose

    I Am...

    Seems its that time where everyone gets sick..get well..I'm lucky I'm not.
  16. Adriana is very pretty I admit and exotic looking but as far as "modeling" Gisele is one of the best of all time. The girl is professonal and does everything to work with the photographer to get the look they want and look thats just phenomenal. It's the attitude and working with the body and imagination. Its more than just looking pretty.
  17. Yay! I finally can get access to Limax at HOME now. Well, for some reason I can only get access at work but when I get home and use my computer which is at night I can not get in, till now. Lets hope it stay this way. I don't understand why though.
  18. Is it just me or does this site "turn off" during nighttime. It appears that I can only get access during the day.
  19. Thanks! Yeah she is better Btw I've met both of them, I still prefer Maria.
  20. Ok, thanks spark for the info. I am about to fix the imageshack links thats broken.. TIP: Btw if anyone sees that there imageshack thumbnail links are broken - go to the link and you will see this: ℑ. So what you need to do is just.. replace this: ℑ with this: ℑ try it.
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