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Adrianas Llama

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Everything posted by Adrianas Llama

  1. i watched good will hunting and spent a lot of time in bed! tell me something that turns you on
  2. Adrianas Llama

    I Am...

    telling the llama that his name is Ivan. ( i think?) and he is her looove ... *cough* friend. (i think.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ian, and I'm not sure what we are.....but it's something good. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> wondering if it has benifits
  3. every freaking day have you ever eaten your own hair? intentionally?
  4. made me grin! i feel very accomplished *does a victory lap around the thread*
  5. is my buddy barry! if thats your real name *gives you evil eye*
  6. has the same name as my best friends sister!!! who also thinks dubai is truly awesome!
  7. they be PIMPIN! tell me something about the style of clothing you like to wear
  8. kay the llama is going to have another crack at this seeking a large hq version? anyone? :lost:
  9. cats, theyre the assholes of the animal planet and it makes me wanna worship them. tell me something about a sport you do/did
  10. ooo i hadnt seen a couple of those shots! thanks!
  11. no! my sisters done a nose dive off one tho have you ever bounced yourself of a trampoline?
  12. shjksfhkfslkj omg thankyou hordak! damn if thats what santas gonna look like this year..
  13. gods it looks like a 2 year old painted flames on her crotch! is it symbolic of a burning sensation?
  14. i was gonna make a mr and mrs smith sig today what happened
  15. movie night! WHOO! tell me something you arent looking forward to this week
  16. tell me something about your mobile phone
  17. watermellon juice! blended it myself!
  18. nope! the first rule of fight ninja club is do not talk about ninja club. Secrecy is paramount *nods solemly* have you ever shaved your weebles?
  19. that hampster dance song! *whimpers*
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