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Status Updates posted by TooBoku

  1. lol. sorry i didn't put daria on that list. this contest is bogus anyway as you could tell. it's there so i can laugh at all the people voting for brazilians over people who actually did make a difference in the industry.

  2. lol. that sounded like i was complaining about how busy my life is now. lol. sorry.

    it's just frustrating when you barely have time to masturbate. heheh.

  3. Ma'am, I must compliment you on the single greatest avatar ever to be seen on this website.

  4. Me too... I'll look for some dirt for ya :)

  5. Must compliment you on your avatar.

  6. No more friend? :(

    She needs to join... and post... and stuff like that. Then she needs to fall in love with me.

  7. Nope. :(

    I have no regular internet access here in the mountains...

    Also have decided to open my ticket so I'm here for as long as I can handle the heat :P

  8. Nope. I'm 2 feet deep in snow and studying. :(

  9. not really. really busy. just checking up. :/

  10. Oh man, you don't know how much I miss going to a good beach. There aren't too many here.

    You go have fun though... take lots of pictures. It would be a shame if you didn't share the wealth... ie. you're probably killer in a swimsuit. :P

    ... and that's KC Concepcion. I haven't found enough dirt to start a good thread yet.

  11. ok... i must have clicked block on accident. the block thing is right beside people's names! it said you were blocked but i never blocked anyone. sorry!

  12. Okay, bad on the last one but I'm curious as to how your parents feed all 13 of you! That's crazy!

  13. OMG! You've more than doubled me!

    Anyway, you got facebook? You have my email on msn if you want to add me.

    It's going alright though. When this contract is done I'm going back to school so I'm pretty hyped about that.

  14. Ooooh. Nice Avatar. Who is that?

  15. Ooooooooh....

    I like the new personal photo.

  16. Sorry it's taken so long to reply dude. It's heck finding time to drive all the way to town. Thanks for the regards!

    Happy new year!

  17. Sorry, I couldn't help it. Had to check if you were legal.

    You can still use handcuffs if you want though :P

  18. sssshhhhh...

    tell no one.

  19. Sweet assed avatar there!

  20. Sweet. Have fun then. :)

    I'll be in Cali this summer for my cousin's wedding.

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