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Status Updates posted by buhlack7

  1. hahah! they're ok... i guess i have to see them live to really like them! and OMG!!! 10 bucks for the moccassins!!! OMG!!! GAAHHHHHHH!!!

    omg! i can't shop at all! all my checks are going to my savings!!! my NY trip is sooo expensive!!!

  2. omg! camilla! i was on myspace just now checking out bands... next thing i know im dancing to this song Canape of Love... then i see the band name.. We Smoke Fags... im all like... that sounds familiar! Then im like... OMG! CAMILLA! so i look for your drunk video but its not there! hahahaa!

  3. hey! thats good! you love music! keep playing and keep practicing! haha! do you have a band?

  4. man! yeah! you should harass them for hours! i hate being broke! i'm not broke at the moment, but i have to save up for new york... so im practically broke!!!

    camilla! you are so gangster ghetto for watching kanye and jay z and that crowd! hahaha! i don't even do that! haha! you go girl!

    at the jam... the ting tings for sure,

  5. so yeah... thats my memorial day... raining!

    but yeah! we start october too!!! its my second year this fall!!!

    and i swear camilla! you are making this london weather for us! hahaha! hurricane camilla! its usually not like this! hopefully it gets sunny soon... and over there too so you can tan! hahah!

  6. oh gosh camilla! seriously! i think the world is ending! on my way to school... it is just the weirdest weather!!! its raining by the beach and when i reach downtown its like super sunny!!! eugh!

  7. hahahaha! pillhead!!! i hate kids on X! so dumb! so annoying too! can't even dance to the beat!!! and GOOD!!! you didn't go to kfc!!! haahah!

    eugh! i hate lectures like that! "keep track of your spending" yah yah yah!

  8. hahahah! its still not working :(

    omg! all this none-working links is making want to see it even more! hahahaa!

  9. hahahahah! oh thiago!!! you know me too well!!! :rofl:

  10. hahahhahaha! i know!!! i just saw it!!!

    but the link you gave me doesnt work :(

  11. hahahha! those oxford girls! don't worry i've got my own bag of tricks!

    but OMG! don't go to Tijuana along! its a scary place! but if you're with your guy friends it should be fun!

    well go to your festivals and put you stunner shades on for kanye!

  12. well im going to edc... its a rave that my friends forced on me! i mean i'm not really a rave type of girl but since they're going... im whatever about it!

    and im going to the indie festival down in san diego!!! im excited because the ting tings are there!!! haahaha!

  13. well LA is a bit gloomy! but i don't mind! it's relief from the heatwave!!! oh jeesh! waitressing! i haven't even applied anywhere!!! but i should!!! it's just that i get lazy! hahah!

    omg! october! is that when summer starts there?! wow!

  14. kfc!!!! camilla!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    run! run! get away from that!!! go get yourself some nice fish and chips!!!!

    hahhahaa! well its good you've recovered!

  15. aaaaaaahahhahahhaahhahahaah!!! :rofl: im loving MONGOL! hahahahaha! thanks thiago!!!!

  16. slangs! haha! you know! the words all the cool kids are using! they can be bad words too! hahaha!

  17. hahah! you know! the usual! just saying hello and thank you and please and how are you!

    slangs would be nice too... not that i'd use it in the restaurant! hahaah!

  18. oh yeah!

    you gotta teach me some portuguese brazillian because i found the most awesome cute little brazilian restaurant downtown and i'm all about rubbing elbows! haha!

  19. thats good! omg! heat wave all over the place! its hot here too!

    omg! im just waiting for school to be over! 4 more weeks! gah! then its all summer fun!!!

    oh... and im about to scan my wall! haha!

  20. hahahhaha!!! OOOO oooooo!!! like Baby Mamma!

    so how is school right now? and hows the beautiful country!

  21. travelling is WAY expensive... well for me! but my sister and i are planning to go on a cruise to mexico for like 3 days!

    well i hope it gets sunny there soon... if i could, i would send you some california sun so you can even your tan!

  22. YES!!! i am SOOO excited for summer because of beach parties, surfing and bon fires!!!

    we end late because we start late! :( but i'm not the only one! haha! all the UC's end late too!!!

  23. uhhh! yeah gurlie! you need to get yourself some sleep!!!

    omg! hahaha! thats so funny you know her! i couldn't stop laughing when i randomly clicked on it!

    im in love with the ting tings and im gonna see them next month. i'm excited!!! are you going to gladstonbury?

  24. OMG!!! camilla!!!

    i saw this and couldn't stop laughing!!!


    so is this what english collegiates do when they're sober! hahaha!

  25. thiago!!! don't worry! im gonna start flooding your comment box! ...starting now!!! hahaah!

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