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Status Updates posted by buhlack7

  1. happy bday! j.stam misses you!

  2. i really don't mind long flights! but i feel sorry for the people around me! im so loud! hahaha!

    omg! are you guys going backpacking!!! how fun!

    no viper room for me! but i'm House of Blues this week! hahaah!

  3. michael!!! i finally got MGMT in the mail yesterday!!!

  4. OMG! i just did the most retardedEST thing! i commented on my own box instead of yours! hahahahaahah! anyway... this is (are) your comments!

  5. omg! work was ridiculous today! i haven't slept since thursday night and i was literally falling asleep while standing!

    snobs, disgraceful! hahaha! well have fun!

    omg! ur buying moccassins!!! mine are so ratty... i need new ones!!!

  6. hahahhaha!!! OOOO oooooo!!! like Baby Mamma!

    so how is school right now? and hows the beautiful country!

  7. hahha! sam! we always see models we don't really give a crap about! hahaha! but yeah... i seriously signed that petition. i really hope they reopen her case. and yes... i am super busy! two jobs!

  8. but yeah! that earthquake was fun! its been a while since my last one!

    everyone seemed panic and the phones were down for a while! but it was an awesome feeling! hahhaa! i know! im crazy! hahaha!

  9. thats good! omg! heat wave all over the place! its hot here too!

    omg! im just waiting for school to be over! 4 more weeks! gah! then its all summer fun!!!

    oh... and im about to scan my wall! haha!

  10. yes! that earthquake! it was amazing! hahahah! i think i was one of the few people who enjoyed it!

  11. yo yo yo yo... hold the phone!!! my 'bloQ'... as in my block... as in my hood... as in Echo Park?!!!

  12. hahaaha! is it like street style! hahaah!

    i think it should go to anna j even though the lisbon one isn't really a music video!

    the song is ok... i don't hate it...

  13. eww... i don't follow trannies! ...and i dont mean tila! hahah! at least shes slightly interesting! hahahah!

  14. hahahah! gurl! the problem isn't getting the magazine! its sending the magazine! i mean... i still have julia's british vogue with sasha on the cover which i was supposed to send to her almost a year ago! hahaha!

  15. WHATT!!! for rich girl?!!!!

  16. hahaha! ok! just tell me which month. I think Barnes still has the August one, and Sept is coming. Oh and how to get it to you! hahahahaah!

  17. omg!!! NO way!!! free skins!!! waaahhh!!! im gona have to tell my friend about this! hahhaha!

    omg!!! the Wii!!! ahahahahaah! oh man! thats hilarious! going at it! hahaha! i go to my neighbor's and play that boxing one and the one where you slap the rabbit! hahahaha! well you go tra

  18. oh yeah!

    you gotta teach me some portuguese brazillian because i found the most awesome cute little brazilian restaurant downtown and i'm all about rubbing elbows! haha!

  19. oh heacks yeah!!!

    gluglugluglug.... wait... thats camilla!!!

    no xmas for me! im scrooge!

  20. your friend! and burn that russian lit!

    shoots! i always work weekends... and almost everyday! gah!

    i'm seriously thinking of getting another job as a waitress and get major tips! im always broke!!! so how are the posh old men! winked at any lately? ahahaha!

    well im busy... but not busy! i know it will get crazier! hahaha!

  21. hahaha! not necessarily! i just wanna know how the managing editor for the mag! or something close to that!

  22. THIAGO!!! did you watch VS? did you see CAROL?!!! gahh! i'd die to have her on my AV in her first set!

  23. hahaha! yeah! dorms ARE boxes!!! if i live in a dorm... i don't even think my clothes and junk can fit in the whole room!!! but at least your super independent and can do literally EVERYTHING you want! gluggluglug! hahaah!

  24. hahah! you know! the usual! just saying hello and thank you and please and how are you!

    slangs would be nice too... not that i'd use it in the restaurant! hahaah!

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