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Status Updates posted by buhlack7

  1. hahahahh!!! i did! and he was like... IM NOTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!

    oh thiago!!! you have to teach me some more of your slangs!!!

  2. hahahahhaha! thiago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i miss you dearly!!!

    thank you!!! but sadly... i didn't pass out on a beach... unlike somebody! haha! but i did recievea massive bruise! i think i got in a bar fight! hhahahaha!

  3. hahahh! thanks! i haven't been tweeting lately though! hahaha! and thats good! hahha! i really need to stop!

    i see you're still all stam bammed up! YAY!!! wait... which one is your twitter?

  4. hahahha! everyone's invited!!!

    wait... how did you know??? cops know me already!

    oh man!!! i've got some funny party cops story!!!

  5. hahahha! I love how i've now forever become smelly buhlack! hahaha!

    well right now... im on a fresh bottle of Japanese Cherry Blossoms from Bath and Body! hahahah! But when I feel ghetto... I use my dad's Irish Spring or Lever2000! hahaha!

  6. hahahha! NOT EVEN! i can't even afford cubic zarconium grillz!!! upstart editors/slaves work for NOT money!

    how are you??? work? fambam?

  7. hahahha! those oxford girls! don't worry i've got my own bag of tricks!

    but OMG! don't go to Tijuana along! its a scary place! but if you're with your guy friends it should be fun!

    well go to your festivals and put you stunner shades on for kanye!

  8. hahahha! YAH! leaping and 'gracefully' falling on the floor is fun!!! hahaha! We actually have a show on monday... so that should be interesting!

  9. hahahha! yeah! i know! im such a douchebag for having one but i have to admit its pretty addicting! i honestly used to make fun of people who tweet! now i make fun of myself! don't ever get one! its a really bad addiction!

  10. hahahha!!! i told you i was gonna keep bothering you and flooding your box like camilla's! hahaah!

    so what does gostosa mean?

  11. hahahha!!! i told you i was gonna keep bothering you and flooding your box like camilla's! hahaah!

    so what does gostosa mean?

  12. hahahha!!! thanks you!!! :hug:

    this will be very useful! :shifty:

  13. hahahhaha! i guess not!

  14. hahahhaha! i'm all for raGuel! hahaha! but the concept of having a bf just for having it is really messed up for me! hahaha! but OMG! i would die if someone made me a closet and filled it with AMAZING designer pieces! but yeah! i can imagine an aiden! no crazy fuzz like big!

  15. hahahhaha!!! OOOO oooooo!!! like Baby Mamma!

    so how is school right now? and hows the beautiful country!

  16. hahahhaha!!! wait... have you been snooping my blog?

    no one reads that! hahah!

    it's ben's friend! and shes super! honesly one of the most dedicated and enthusiastic girl i've worked with!

  17. hahahhahaha! i know!!! i just saw it!!!

    but the link you gave me doesnt work :(

  18. hahha! sam! we always see models we don't really give a crap about! hahaha! but yeah... i seriously signed that petition. i really hope they reopen her case. and yes... i am super busy! two jobs!

  19. hahhaa! yah! i already got campaigns for Baby GAP! i fit perfectly in their clothes! hahahah!

    OMG! you have a whole essay for eyebrows! haha! Well thank you... now i know what to say! I think my eyebrows are Hilary Rhoda descendants!

  20. hahhaa! yah! i already got campaigns for Baby GAP! i fit perfectly in their clothes! hahahah!

    OMG! you have a whole essay for eyebrows! haha! Well thank you... now i know what to say! I think my eyebrows are Hilary Rhoda descendants!

  21. hahhaah! despite my encounters... i still love them! hahaha! and DANG! that goat is gangster! stole your feed! haahaha!

    omg! how cute! little alice! in a pillow case! hahahah!

    OMG! camilla! you watch too much cable!!! hahaha! save yourself! hhahaa! eughh! i wanna strangle those kids!

  22. hahhaah! yeah i have to calm down! summer is almost over! everyone is moving back in to their dorms!

    my focus would be back to studying... and not corrupting young'ns!!!

  23. hahhaha! my comment got cut off too!!! hahahaah! anyway... i was saying i love modern contemporary because its just so free... and sexy sexy sexy! and fun!

    hey you're from canada right? my friend says all they do in ontario is have field parties!!!

  24. happy b-day!

    kudos for always posting in behati's thread!!!

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