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Everything posted by VivaLaLima

  1. omg agreed. smoking in general. fake people, who follow the trend and dont stand for what they think
  2. billie - not snog but not slap either - hug? haha. Måns Zelmelöv (who im going to see tomorrow!!!) / Ana BEatriz BArros
  3. i really do! ithink its beautiful thank you so much
  4. i personally think, rightnow, Adriana looks better than she has ever did. The extra pounds look beautiful on her, not every model should be stick thin to be beautiful and she shows that with so much beauty, i love her for who she is.
  5. picture from the same photoshoot.. just thought id post it
  6. sorry to be a bother but can someone say what date these were taken? please
  7. The (After) Life Of The Party - FOB
  8. Whats This - Fob Yule shoot your eye out - Fob Making Christmas - TNBC soundtrack
  9. make it easy, all rap, hip hop (excluding Akon) and pop music. aka everything except for rock/punk/indie/alternative/emo
  10. (it sent you to me without wings) say a prayer but let the good times roll, in case God doesnt show
  11. alrighty then David Beckham/Lindsay Lohan
  12. ANTM, Project Runway, The OC (season 4 really sucked.), One Tree Hill and Friends
  13. wow rogue lol i dont watch it because it doesnt air here, but i meant by looks i like cori
  14. i do but the new season doesnt air here until this monday i watched last season though. Ben is just a friggen beast. i love him
  15. snog..obviously. if you wouldnt youd be on drugs. I just have a question, can we put a guy and a girl so its a unisex game and not just for girls/homosexuals?
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