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Everything posted by michelabella

  1. Magazine Cover: Camilla x5 Beauty Shot: Claire x5 Body Shots: Camilla x5 High-fashion: Claire x5 Movie Posters: Claire x5 Candids: Clairex5
  2. wow, unique girl! she sort of reminds me of "Topanga" from that 90's show, Boy Meets World
  3. thanks! she looks gorgeous, I think she would be beyond perfect for victorias secret. I think the public would catch onto her type of beauty like crazy!!! (pretty,pouty,BLONDE,tall,sexy,doesn't look like a teeny bopper,etc..) It would be a good decsion on Victorias behalf
  4. michelabella


    Blackcowboy mentions working with Gisele on their music video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2525119/gise...on_blackcowboy/
  5. Well, I want to vote for Kate. I don't love any of these covers, but. 1. you can see that Kate has eyebrows, and Natasha doesn't 2. Take off the title and the rest, leave just a photo, and you'll see Kate's is better These, I suppose, are not really valid points for voting Kate though EDIT: I want to change my vote to Natasha. I just realised how much I dislike Kate's facen expression on her cover And the lack of eyebrows in Natasha's cover isn't bad, well, you see "Killing Mode" on this cover as it is written, she kinda kills with her sight. The title over her face is irritating but yeah.... I want to vote for Natasha. good points yeah I was really torn, but I think you are right. I like Kate but don't care for her expression and I like Natasha's pose and fierceness that being said, these still aren't very good covers IMO lol
  6. found this! anyone have it bigger?
  7. these aren't new candids but i didn't see some before Vogue eyewear Launch (look @ her body in the last one!!!!) /monthly_05_2009/post-13850-0-1446081182-70835_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="3658069" alt="post-13850-0-1446081182-70835_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="150.38"> /monthly_05_2009/post-13850-0-1446081182-72509_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="3658073" alt="post-13850-0-1446081182-72509_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="150.38">
  8. A giant Gisele on a wall somewhere
  9. some VS posters I found /monthly_05_2009/post-13850-0-1446077460-70164_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="3576107" alt="post-13850-0-1446077460-70164_thumb.jpg">
  10. me too! simple yet chic
  11. hehe giselefan.org is on it!
  12. wow stunning ^ thanks miss. love her eyes/cheekbones. very very perfect
  13. FROM Twitter! (sighting in Boston 5/14) OMG Gisele works out at the Dojo on the floor above my office!!! Tom just dropped her off. Must move desk closer to office entrance/stairwell Is it weird that I'm almost more excited to see Gisele than Tom? I think it might be weird! http://twitter.com/jaylcee317
  14. OMG OMG! that is stunnin' oh ale she is so classically beautiful with an exotic brazilian vibe, yet oh so sultry and sexy at the same time!
  15. yeah at first I thought it was photoshopped but looking at it more, I agree it's real. Mainly looking at the little tiny hairs on the back of her butt/legs, you can see how the light from that window highlights them. I don't think photoshop could do that
  16. Guys, I'm having Gisele WITHDRAWL! It's been like a week or so without any new pics (i mean fashion ones)
  17. lol it is old from like March i think but figured I would post it anyways (the same time her Vanity Fair issue came out)
  18. 2.5 each 2.5 each Naomi x5 2.5 each
  19. Jodi x2 Edita x1 (her eyes are really stunning, just in this photo she looks washed out )
  20. can't make up my mind, coming back! they are both tied right now with me. someone come on here and make some valid points! Natasha I guess
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