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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. "the female form is just breathtaking", but yes. A kindred spirit - well met! (Nice Dr Evil quote too, btw!)

  2. We are a rarefied breed... But I see you've found a 'soul-mate' in Baby?!?! (Not to mention another blackrain visitation - more than I've ever had)

  3. Lo siento - I clicked here by mistake (when I was replying to one of your posts though) but, well, it was remiss of me not to have made a comment!

  4. Well, I wouldn't know about that... (whistle)

  5. You can vote however you want. But only you... 'cos you're special! x

  6. What happened? Two hours have passed - is she still there???

  7. Nobody else quite cuts the mustard. If I had to choose just 5 - that would be them!!!

  8. Actually, currently sporting heavy stubble myself. Bordering on beard...

  9. real men just shave with wasser!!!

  10. Rasierwasser... My vocab's growing rapidly!

  11. DAMN IT! You got blackrain(ed) AGAIN?!?!

  12. Hey mate! Quiet, for me... Been a good week though, so relaxing somewhat.

  13. I see you're still 'checking in'? Hope the army life is going well - and that you're getting to see all the updates? Suerte.

  14. Well I got to learn a new German word! So that's Zahnstocher, Liebchen, Schadenfreude, Achtung, Was Zum Teufel...

  15. Saludos, extranjero!

  16. I believe irensitiQ used to call her 'Behottie' waay back - but 'Behati The Hottie' is all yours! (I prefer Baroness!!!)

  17. Good afternoon! I must say - your post on my thread perked up my morning... Snap, crackle AND pop.

  18. I get the impression they're pushing Chanel as the 'PINK' girl. So who knows? But she's still doing the catalogues (just this minute posted two brand new).

  19. I know... It kind of drives me a little crazy each time I see it!

  20. Oh god no, nothing as drastic as that!!! I meant a 'growing' relationship... As for that picture - yes - it's an absolute winner.

  21. Hmmm _ I don't know about that! But she's a growing concern for now...

  22. Alas, I guess I must have just logged off when you turned up... But I do still look for your light too!

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