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Everything posted by fashionlover16

  1. I think she'll be done even if she doesn't get the FB
  2. In these last pictures she always covers her belly when she's on the side. I think she's pregnant and she won't walk VSFS 18.
  3. I'm not sure but it looks like a typical Dolce & Gabbana
  4. Finally she got rid of that awful blonde. She looks amazing with this new hair colour, it really suits her!
  5. Candice re-activeted her instagram page the mermaidfiles with a new name: Tropicofc Maybe it’s the name of her bikini line? Like the tropic of cancer, the Tropic of Candice! http://instagram.com/tropicofc
  6. Adriana: Wings: 7 Overall: 8 (I didn't see the vagina but now it's all I see in this look! :D) Aiden: 4
  7. She seems to have a sad look on her face...
  8. First of all thank you so much for all the news and the pics! My random thoughts: - Candice's opening was a-maaaaaaa-zing! But she definitely looks over it, i don't know that's something off with her and how she looks too (terrible hair and plus, it seems her nose and her chin are grown, I don't know how to explain it) - Gooddesses is my favourite segment, so many beautiful looks - Great music choices - Taylor looks utterly beautiful, she's really a bombshell (and they didn't cover her with horrible boots!) - The red girl (sorry, I don't remeber her name) is amazing
  9. I dislike this darker base, it's really awful.
  10. Her hair was one one my goals! Simply wonderful
  11. The Harper's Bazaar ed is amazing! Elsa is beautiful and so is the styling
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