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Everything posted by CandyArrow

  1. Probably trying to rope back in her old school fans/followers. People who have stopped caring about itswtvr because she cut her hair. "Here's a bunch of old unseen nude shots from Robert Voltaire back when I had hair and you guys liked me."
  2. https://media.giphy.com/media/l3mZrLxM4iZaQlvNe/giphy.mp4
  3. Damn. I thought she would just grow her hair back out but it looks like she keeps trimming it. 🙄
  4. British GQ Photographer - Alexi Lubomirski
  5. Right there if you watch her YouTube channel. And very obvious if you compare older pics to newer ones. I respect her decision but wish she would have stayed natural. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6xcEnMLwVw
  6. Well, she's a supermodel. So it makes sense that her friends are also supermodels. But yes, I agree - that seemed quite the party of nothing but beautiful people. lol
  7. Surely they shoot these commercials in full HD right? I mean, I know 720p is technically HD but I don't know understand why VS doesn't up load 1080p videos. It's like we're in 2010 still. Jeez.
  8. Drop dead gorgeous https://www.instagram.com/p/B21MmlqgM_9/
  9. 71199548_2446340808783997_7122099980805666841_n.mp4
  10. That Victor Robertof shot is astounding.
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