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Everything posted by lnatan25

  1. The issue isn’t this site, it’s the people that insist on posting low quality Instagram copypasta dumps (at separate posts at that). “Quality over quantity” is not a view shared among many posters here, it seems.
  2. This forum has turned into a low quality, low effort, shitposting spamfest of Instagram garbage.
  3. It hurts my inbox when following these topics. I mean, I ask for the tiniest effort in these low-effort Instagram posts.
  4. Couldn’t put all that Instagram stuff in a single post?
  5. I’d like to see people taking constructive criticism without acting like _____________. What do you reckon the chances for that are? Also, don't be rude... Can't you guys just post pretty pictures without having to go back and forth with each other over pointless chow chow?
  6. You could put them in one post, instead of spamming the thread endlessly.
  7. What is the point of all this spam?
  8. Oh, I’m so sorry to rain on your “quality contributions” parade. It takes a lot of effort to copypasta a few images from Instagram, and I really failed to appreciate that. I also insulted your delicate flower mind by simply asking to separate the “quality update” images you post into the correct twin threads, instead of just posting the same “quality material” in both threads, but that would require an actual effort of looking who’s tagged on the Instagram image, and that’s too much for you. My bad.
  9. @MadiFansPlease stop posting the same images in both threads. If it’s only one of the twins. Try to figure out who it is, or just don’t post it. It’s social media crap anyway. Thanks.
  10. @harryhhy Stop spamming this thread with requests.
  11. Instagram spam garbage should be forbidden here.
  12. Probably a consequence of the pandemic. She’s been posting a lot of influencer nonsense in recent months, and she’s probably doing a lot more money from that crap than legitimate modeling work. She’s never been a high profile model anyway.
  13. Jesus, has been celebs are really craving for attention these days, aren’t they 🤦‍♂️
  14. Maybe you people should use a better browser. 😂
  15. Instead of banning Patreon content, Instagram shit should be the content to ban.
  16. Pros need to make money too, and the fashion industry (or at least, modeling) is at a turmoil at the moment. Hauls are easy bucks for these people. Here is a translation of the video description, using my "influencer" bullshit translator: 😂
  17. Great channel, thanks! There is also this channel which is very nice:
  18. So she puts make up every morning only to sit in quarantine. 🙄 ”Poor” “influencers” and their stupid attempts at trying to stay relevant with ridiculous videos of product placement nonsense, while the world burns. 🤦‍♂️
  19. If you listen to her talk, she is the most stereotypical Valley girl.
  20. Has nipple piercing become an unspoken rule of modeling? Every young model these days has at least one nipple pierced.
  21. Cute girl. If only she didn't have those ugly bolt-ons.
  22. Why did she shave her head if she takes so many photos with a wig, and a cheap one at that? 🙄
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