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Everything posted by hewhois2

  1. Fair enough. And, let me just echo the praise of those three members' work on this thread!
  2. From IMDB: "A covert snake cult finally breaks the genetic code to bring about a new snake-human interspecies." WT actual F?
  3. Perhaps the most perfect tits ever photographed...
  4. Huge set of photos, or a huge set of tits?
  5. I reported the post. I'd do it again. I don't know if the original poster meant it the way you describe, or if s/he meant something else, but either way, I found the offensive in that it trivialized a serious and, for many people, painful issue. If s/he thought GIFs on the thread were excessive, s/he should say that. If s/he thinks we're all stupid for looking at pictures of beautiful models, go ahead and say that. "This page has AIDS" is a childish, useless comment, and in my opinion, worthy of censure.
  6. Hell, yeah! I can't conceive of what could be a "better shape" than hers...
  7. Sometime, I do. Don't tell the missus...
  8. And on the eighth day, God created Sarah Stephens' tits. And he saw that they were very, very good.
  9. Mostly Kristina Peric, but Ms Verkaart appears from 0:45 to about 1:10, and is stunning....
  10. FYI, Nelleke Vekaart's thread in this forum is here.
  11. ...pretty much how we'd all like to see her.
  12. Forgive me, Father, for I want to sin...
  13. Now, how am I supposed to get any work done today, with these images burned into my brain?
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