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Everything posted by Dane

  1. I really really want to see the deleted/privated marisa and miz couture 2015 videos (and am still very annoyed that this site doesn’t have someone who goes through old threads to remove all traces of unviewable videos the way some other forums do despite having requsted it numerous times in the past)
  2. I would really really like it if some people could go through each and every thread and remove all the dead links, I know of other forums that do this so it shouldn't be unreasonable to ask of it here. Especially after YouTube privated all those unlisted videos and raised the amount of linkrot on the net to unacceptable levels
  3. She's from Slovenia and modeled for Lisca during the late 00s-early 10s. I there is a severe lack of pictures of her, and there are also pictures of her that I can't find anywhere else except a very frustrating website called celebwallpapers.org that seems to have some sort of glitch that causes the entire site to be replaced with a white screen after looking at it for a few seconds.
  4. The gallery at hoskelsa.com has lots of great VS pics that cant find anywhere else that have any extremly annoying watermark that is really big and near the top of the pic so that it covers up Elsa's face. Most of these are towards the end of the 2016 gallery but it havent checked the 2017 and 2018 galleries yet. Note that the watermark only appears when you click on the pic to enlarge it. Could someone help me figure out where to find high-quality unwatermarked versions of those pics?
  5. Here she is with Robin Holzken and another unidentified model in a 2014 Oysho shoot:
  6. SOMEONE PLEASE. I could very easily get everything I'm looking for on gettyimages if it weren't for a VERY annoying glitch that site has where clicking on certain thumbnails does nothing but lead to a gallery of 10 pics of other celebs from the same event. WHY IS GETTYIMAGES DOING THIS?
  7. I KNOW that there is someone out there who has all the pics I'm looking for. And I am being EXTREMELY serious about this. Dissapearing Mandy pics has been a recurring problem on the net for years, more so than any other celeb I've ever been a fan of for some reason. For a minute it looked like that problem was finally over, but then lovely-mandy.net just had to go and shut down so suddenly
  8. SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER THIS. I'm agitated because I can't ask this anywhere else, the sosugary forum isn't working, the sosugary contact page isn't working, and the official coppermine forum has no "new post" button
  9. I can't get my custom header to show up. And I don't have any place to store it other than in the gallery itself. Someone PLEASE tell me what to do
  10. I'm in the process of creating a Mandy Moore coppermine gallery to make up for the very annoying sudden closure of lovely-mandy.net. I need AS MANY high quality watermark-free pics of her from various 00s events as I can possibly get my hands on. I got all I could of Zimbio but that site doesn't have anywhere near enough to make up for all the stuff that was lost when lovely-mandy.net shut down. Someone PLEASE help me out
  11. 1. How come sometimes when I click on a thumbnail on Getty images, all it does is lead me to a page that has 10 images from the same event and NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM is the image I wanted? 2. How come the only tutorials on how to remove watermarks are in youtube videos? I don't want to have to watch a video to know how to do that, it should be easier for someone to just write down how to do it because it's easier for me to follow directions that way
  12. There needs to be a website that is devoted entirely to catalog pics of lingerie and swimwear (or better yet, anything thats not street clothes, I also have a thing for evening gowns and cocktail dresses) I hate having to sift through dozens of pages of boring stuff on Listal in order to find the stuff I'm looking for. There used to be a good site called www.supermodelbeach.com but the domain expired earlier this year
  13. Ignore this post. I keep forgetting that there's a "thumbnails don't work when they're in a quote but they still work in the original post" glitch around here
  14. I know she already has a thread here, but these pics have been saved on my phone for a long time and reverse Google searches are coming up empty
  15. These links are broken and I really really want these pictures UPDATE: For some reason these links only seem to work for me when they're in a quote box so please no one touch this post
  16. Actually, if someone could move my request to a place where it would be more appropriate and more people would see it, that would be great. I'd do it myself but I'm using an android phone and there's a glitch messing with my ability to copy and paste things
  17. I'm sorry if this gets me kicked off the board If anyone knows any single Paulina lookalikes (particularly the way she looked around 1984-85) in there early 20s who dont smoke, have a very sweet personality, aren't one of those people who gets really stubborn about things like religion, and are attracted to nerdy guys in their early 30s, please PM me. I'm sorry, but I had my heart broken by a Paulina lookalike in high school. It was especially traumatic because she was my best friend on elementary school and I recently had to sit through her wedding. I'm just addicted to that face type, and there seems to be something about the genetics of that face type that seems to be related to the personality type I like. I've already tried looking on Craigslist but I haven't had any luck. Look, I'm sure all of us are subconsciously wired to seek out a particular breed of mate, I just happen to like a breed that seems to be nearly extinct.
  18. How do I switch to the full site? I'm on an Android phone, I want to paste something important into a thread but it's giving me that "this html class" glitch
  19. I used a face blender app to combine a picture of an unrequited high school crush of mine with a picture of Paulina Porizkova to create what I think my perfect match would look like. Could someone who is a whiz with photoshop please touch up this picture for me to make it look more like a single person?
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