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Lilja K

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Everything posted by Lilja K

  1. 💖 w fans 42206987_327853370413932_5895939490252527329_n.mp4 credits to original posters on social media
  2. Uhm, I find it difficult to make a choice. He's hot both ways
  3. Triangle of Sadness. Liked it But this Babygirl movie seems to be more interesting to me
  4. And we are very happy about it
  5. I agree. But it also seems to me that since VFX have replaced (mostly) practical effects, blockbusters have started to look less spectacular. That's why I have a mad respect for Christopher Nolan, he uses minimum of VFX and no CGI.
  6. Love that dress🤍 She dresses so well @Jade Bahr
  7. @Jade Bahr Well, I finally watched Furiosa. It's a little weaker than Fury Road, but it's still great. Dementus was the main weakness of this movie imo. I didn't like Chris's performance at all. But I don't put the blame entirely on him - the director and screenwriter apparently tried to make a villain with a perverted sense of humor, but he turned out to be too goofy and didn't cause me anything but irritation. He was too out of place. Another weakness of the film is that it doesn't have such visual beauty. At least for me. Not that I'm complaining about Furiosa's visual, but it wasn't as breathtaking as in Fury Road. Even a few years later, watching on TV screen, I was still mesmerized by the cinematography of Fury Road. Anya did an excellent job with her eye acting. I also think she did a great job playing the role of a young Furiosa and comparing her to Charlize, who played a mature Furiosa, is not quite right. 💯. He was amazing, my 2nd fav character in the movie (after Furiosa lol). Very charismatic and memorable. The rest of the cast (except Chris) were great Same here. Although this is not the level of Fury Road, the action scenes were of enough quality and a lot of epic sequences. Overall, I enjoyed this movie very much, so I'll rate it as 7 or 7,5. It's a great action movie and definitely my cup of tea
  8. Birthday boy 🥳💕 @Jade Bahr
  9. Lilja K

    Brad Pitt

    I mean, he's Brad Pitt lol
  10. The project fell apart and then revived. I heard that Anya had scheduling conflicts or something like that 🤔
  11. Still can't get over this loss
  12. It's so ridiculous and sad @Jade Bahr Comments are hilarious af
  13. Well, he's a great man ☝🏻
  14. So disgusting and this happens to many all the time🤢🤮 https://variety.com/2024/film/news/gaten-matarazzo-encounter-stranger-things-fan-1236018459/
  15. I hope they will recreate this scene 😁
  16. I'm very grateful for your gallery work, so how could I not help? I hope your gallery will live long and prosper🌸
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