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Everything posted by MadiFans

  1. Anyways.....let's not get into a back and forth. I have my opinions and some people will agree with me. You have your opinions and some people will agree with you. Maybe you'll be right and I'll be wrong, or vice versa. OR it'll end up somewhere in the middle. Let's not get into a protracted argument. I was just stating my opinion. Now....back to sharing photos and videos.
  2. Having lots of Instagram followers does not always equate to income and actual work. Paper and Bagnol have tons of followers and make actual money on other platforms. They're not just "Instagram Famous". And yes, they got that way from doing n*des but at least they have long-term prospects. If they were allowed on Instagram without their accounts constantly getting deleted they'd probably be equal to or exceed her number of followers. Also, Emily is 18 now and has been for quite some time. LOL - Nothing you said there is objectively true if you're being totally honest about here regarding the modeling industry. Your bias is showing and you should stop White Knighting for her. Of course she want's to model or she wouldn't be posting professional shoots all the time and racking up followers. 1) I'm not big on "unwritten rules". If they don't want to hear the truth then too bad. Are we ONLY supposed to post glowing reviews and White Knight for all the models? No matter the objective truth? 2) Emily is super cute and sexy. As an average, everyday woman she's easily in the Top 5% looks and body wise. But as a model her projects are limited. I'm not saying that to be mean, just to be honest. When she's as young as 20-22 there will be 100 17 years olds lined up behind here with her CURRENT looks or BETTER waiting to take her spot.
  3. The ONLY think Emily truly has going for her is her youth and large breast. Her overall body proportions are average and her face is below average. Her face is overlooked now due to her youthfulness but her expressions and overall look will mean she'll burn out of the modeling industry be age 20 or maybe age 22-24 in the best case scenario. Unless she start doing n*de modeling similar to Marisa Papen or Rebecca Bagnol. She can only model bikinis for so long. I'm not saying this to be cruel or to mock her. Just to be realistic. For an "average" person she's very attractive and sexy but as a model she is below average.
  4. 321483389_748338150236892_1043449070660600459_n.mp4
  5. REUPLOADED - Please download the video and upload it to here instead of embedding. That way if the original is deleted on Youtube, we still have a copy.
  6. I personally think Elisha and Renee both look so much sexier in candid photos like these. Where they're not acting like middle school girls seeking attention and trying too hard. Just letting their natural beauty speak for itself. What are your thoughts? I tried to add a poll but can't figure out how. Do you prefer their natural beauty being showcased over the stylized shoots?
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