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Everything posted by ZanderRykael2

  1. #47 should be Laura Sanchez Hernandez #48 Should be Anna Katharina Von Staehle
  2. I hope I'm doing this right (havn't done this in a while.) I Downloaded these Pics to my comp there are a few in the first group with a blonde that is also the unknown #2, and Unknown #3 may be earlier pics of #1 with the mole on her lip removed either with Photoshop or surgery; (meaning when she was younger, but not sure, but they do look very alike.) All of the site I was finding them on were Eastern Europe/Eukraine/ Russia-based. I'm of a belief the first model may be Polish based because the other models that were also found in association with her that I do know were Klaudia El Dursi and Beatrice Chirita. 1.
  3. Kari Riley Daniela Lopez Osorio Chandler Bailey Elsa Hosk
  4. This would be https://www.instagram.com/sofiajamora/
  5. Svetlana Shilina https://www.instagram.com/susu_ta_ra_ram_/
  6. Carys Schulze https://www.instagram.com/carys.sc/
  7. Found model on Pinterest.
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