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Nadine Leopold

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I personally think that they might be dating. I've been in the One Direction fandom for a long time and I know how things go with these boys probably better than anybody on BZ. Harry is single and so is Nadine. As someone said on the previous page, the guy that went out with Harry and Nadine has a wife. The whole 'Nadine has a boyfriend' thing is probably just a rumor made by some of the hardcore directioners who just can't stand the idea of Harry having a girlfriend. Trust me, you have no idea what these fan girls are capable of!

Harry has been single since January 2014, almost a year and I can see him wanting to have a girlfriend and he also followed Nadine on twitter a few months ago so I think he had his eyes on her for a while now. I really don't mind this couple. I've seen videos of Nadine and she seems lovely and I know for a fact that Harry Styles is a true gentleman, very well mannered and respectful. This boy is anything but a womanizer. He's nothing like Bieber so I think Nadine choose him right.

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I've been a longtime of One Direction too so I know "how things go with these boys" about as well as you do and i highly doubt they are dating.

You don't personally know Harry so you don't know shit about him or if he is looking for girlfriend and blablabla or since when he has been single o.O i think you are taking it too far with the whole analysis tbh. Nadine was spotted with Niall now, does that mean she is dating him too? Nope. You are forgetting Nadine and Harry (and all the boys really) have several friends in common.

I dont particularly care if they are dating or not but i think it's pathetic everyone assumes they are just because they've been spotted together twice, people with vaginas and penis are allowed to be friends ... le shock!

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