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Claudia Schiffer


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Topmodel Mexico

year 2000

Claudia against Helena, who is the most beautiful model?

I think both are real great beauties of the 90 th ;) I also like this dark haired and blue

eyed dane very much.

Sadly I cannot understand spanish...

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Topmodel Mexico

year 2000

Claudia against Helena, who is the most beautiful model?

I think both are real great beauties of the 90 th ;) I also like this dark haired and blue

eyed dane very much.

Sadly I cannot understand spanish...

I think Helena gorgeous, has beautiful eyes that contrast in their dark skin

But I think claudia is even more beautiful, more doll

ah, If you want I can translate:)

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Topmodel Mexico

year 2000

Claudia against Helena, who is the most beautiful model?

I think both are real great beauties of the 90 th ;) I also like this dark haired and blue

eyed dane very much.

Sadly I cannot understand spanish...

You're like Helena or Claudia?

Gilles Dambri, expert fashion and and psychologist, gave a questionnaire to know you better and know the profile of the supermodel with whom you identify.

Fine, rich and famous. Apparently has the world at his feet, millionaire men behind them and work as productive so grateful. However, human nature, no one is happy with what we have, and despite this seemingly perfect life, there are some things they would like to change.

Ask why Naomi was admitted to a clinic in Colorado, to treat his bad character, or Kate because so much about his combat overweight. But in the world of top models, there personalities are less extravagant, more normal, such as Helena Christensen and Claudia Schiffer.

1. Doubts among several titles for his next novel.

You decide to:

a. Twelve Stories of the street

b. the work of God

2. To immortalize the sights of your vacation you prefer:

a. The painting in oil

b. The Watercolor

3. Another project we like to do:

a. Archeology

b. Art dealer

4. Did you get an education:

a. More liberal

b. Very restricted

5. What attracts you most in a man is:

a. Your sexy side

b. The sense of humor

6. a color for your outstanding:

a. turquoise

b. coral

7. Your ideal family:

a. four children

b. no more than two

8. You created a perfume based on:

a. Jasmine

b. Myrrh

9. The main characteristic of your character:

a. independence

b. the perseverance

10. As a collector you are, you like to see:

a. the Anticuarios

b. art galleries

12. In your cottage you try to isolate themselves from neighbors, placing some obstacles:

a. roses

b. thorns

13. What entices you most in a man is:

a. your skin

b. their hands

14. They gave you a plane to fixed life


a. Mexico

b. Los Angeles

15. You tend to fall often in:

a. in melancholia

b. boredom

16. you can feel passionate about:

a. decor

b. riding

17. Your favorite color is:

a. Black

b. gray

18. You fall in frequency with

a. great anger

b. (?)

19. The quality I most admire in a woman:

a. Intuition

b. complicity

20. and a man:

a. fidelity

b. honesty

21. you could do crazy by:

a. a tablet of chocolate

b. a bowl of ice cream

22. what do you do with your old clothes is:

a. It saves it to your children

b. I give it to charity

23. Paint your walls that color:

a. Lilac

b. (?)

24. Your best quality is:

a. courage

b. generosity

25. the house of your dreams abound:

a. artworks

b. lingerie (?)

26. In real life your heroes are:

a. judges

b. Medical

27. Floor is more beautiful:

a. natural wood

b. black marble

28. You have more ability to:

a. The sciences

b. languages

29. Sometimes if you censure by:

a. mood swings

b. the lack of prudence

30. if you were famous, would you say:

a. (?)

b. I wanted to do many things, I am very ambitious

Most a

More like the Helena

You take life very seriously. Morality, responsibility and duties are words that make much sense to you. have an impulsive temperament, you may be lamenting the miseries of the world And a minute later you might be laughing a lot. You like being with people and real things. You do not like the superficial, the fashions, the lies the success easy. You need to establish authentic relationships. build solid things, something that lasts. You can come to appreciate the mundane but in small doses. What is most important to you?

To safeguard your privacy. You are stubborn and restless. Deliveries to you body and soul to your work.

often you are very pragmatic and sometimes tend to be confined in an incredible way. However, you are the type that emits the difficulties and always arrive before the end of the pledge.

You have the sensitivity to the surface of the skin that makes you be a little reserved. Often your emotions hidden. In love you have fear of disappointment.

Do not you like Easy achievements. the point of preferring the solitude of a bad marriage

Most b

almost like claudia

Pint of good girl, however, a touch of something that can get angry.

often do you feel pressured by two types of demands on the one hand, the need to control all events, on the other, the desire to give your deeper explosions, to abandon yourself to the desire, sensuality, to break some taboos or rules you set. However, still unable to cut the umbilical unbilical, and the way others have a lot of importance to you.

You're quite shy and sometimes you're afraid of being judged too harshly. Do you feel you need to feel flattered. If you suddenly were capable of doing everything to look perfect. you are very perfectionist. You know instinctively what is good for you. For example in the passion, you need tenderness, ralações harmonious, loving a life serene. The novels too intense, you tend to destabilize. though the feelings are very important for you not willing to sacrifice these your ambitions for them. The success is more important than a Prince Charming.

I speak Portuguese, not Spanish, so it is normal that there are errors. sorry :laugh:

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