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Candice Swanepoel


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How Candice Swanepoel is Spending Valentine's Day

ELLE: What do you want for Valentine's Day this year?

Candice Swanepoel: I may treat myself to spa day, spend it with my puppy or just enjoy my time alone. I like peace and quiet because I am so busy on the road most of the time. I like to relax a bit sometimes.

ELLE: What about your girlfriends? Do you celebrate with them and give gifts?

CS: I don’t normally give gifts to my girlfriends, but I do think it’s nice to get some best friends together and watch a romantic comedy and order some delicious food.

ELLE: What's the best Valentine's Day gift or card you've ever received?

CS: The best V-Day gift I’ve ever received was a personalized photo collage.

ELLE: What's your ideal Valentine's Day date? How will you be spending Valentine's Day?

CS: My ideal Valentine’s Day is spending it with someone you are in love with and for that someone to make you feel loved and appreciated.

ELLE: How to do you prep for a date so that you feel sexy?

CS: I take my time and put on a little make up because I don't wear a lot most days. I'll also put on a spritz of VS perfume before I walk out the door and wear a little something sexy underneath.

ELLE: What is the most unexpected way to look/feel/be sexy?

CS: Being confident in your own skin is very sexy. I think when you have fun and are yourself that is sexy too.

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I dont like to post, but after reading the interview snipet where Candice talks about Vday, are we to understand that she's single now? I know its personal. I am just bringing it up because I really liked her being with her boyfriend (and I'm a guy who would trade places with him in a second) because it showed that she was down to earth. She was with someone that made far far less money than her which was nice to see. Its refreshing to see that some of these models date non celebrities and non wealthy. It's a win for feminism to see completely independent women who might be the ones wearing the pants in the relationship. I liked the idea of her with Hermann or another non famous non wealthy type. So I wish she stays with similar type relationships. Sorry if this is controversial. :morning:

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I think I found the same interview from above, but in different context.

Q: Have you ever had a bad Valentine’s Day?

A: I have been disappointed before, but I think every girl has been at some point or another.

Q: Lingerie, chocolate or flowers?

A: Any of those are great. I like surprises! I do love flowers and chocolates though — they’re just a nice, simple treat.

Q: How would a single Angel celebrate Valentine’s Day?

A: I’ve spent it alone before. I like to treat myself to a spa visit! It’s relaxing and sometimes it’s nice to have that quiet time.

Q: Chocolate + prix fixe dinner + wine = possible romance killer. How does one fake a hot bod after all that indulging?

A: I think any lingerie from Victoria’s Secret makes any woman feel and look sexy! One of my favorites is the Very Sexy push-up bra.

Tell us: What’s your favorite way to spend Valentine’s Day?

–Alex Apatoff


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I believe candice is waering fake nails and on her instagram pic of her holding the cookie you can kinda see it , even in the pics above ( whcich by the way are SEXYY AND FBULOUSS, What else can i say?) does anyone have a close up or something

hope she posts a pic of it fully! <3 thx guys

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