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Nightmare Fuel: The Thread

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I'm halfway through skimming through the game movie.


The game is technically first rate and excellent, the main problem is the same as what I saw from the leaks-   the politically correct risk they took made a game that reoriented traditional storytelling tropes.  Instead of a male hero it is now lesbian and transgender anti-heroes, which the traditional archetypes (eg. straight males and straight females) now as side characters.


The climatic battles are now between LGBT characters, ditto for the romances.


The two Asian guys have literally taken the place of the "token black guy/magical negro" well known and criticized in TV and film.  They are the token asians, one for the lesbian and other for the transgender.


The other problem is that the game is too intentionally traumatizing, emotional and depressing-  not everybody's idea of a good time.  There are a lot of storytelling setups that are clearly designed to make you feel bad.  The descent of the anti-hero can be seen a mile away and it's annoying. 


I think that the only people that are sympathetic to this setup are people who are very sympathetic to LGBT issues and perspectives.   They probably see this game as being one designed for their team. 


Otherwise, the game is first class for what it is, although it resembles the original game and doesn't aim at being innovative.  It's modernized and looks like it took many components from Red Dead Redemption 2.  It seems very polished and very carefully designed with very detailed and inspired artwork and character scenarios.   I think people will complain about the extended walking sections, a relatively old-fashioned gaming device that can annoy players.


The worldbuilding is just as good if not better than the original although I am disappointed that they didn't have enough content centered around the settlement, which is well-done.

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What Last of Us 2 should have been:


Elle grows up to be an attractive young straight woman with breasts and goes on a final adventure with her surrogate dad, this time as a fighter too.


love interest, gets pregnant and gives birth on a farm.  


Joel may or may not die, and maybe he gets a good result too.

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so lev is also transgender ?  Missed that..


Abby identifies as male and was born female.  I missed any clues or explanation on how she has such huge muscles & how she gets steroids and protein. 


However, IT is revealed that these muscles are not natural later on in the story.  Abby should of course, have a vagina. 


So to conclude, she has sex with men but identifies as a male.  

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