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Bar Refaeli


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Love all the 3 Cavalli dresses and I find the Tuxedo also very attractive! :ddr: I'm sure Bar will look stunning in any of them. Thanks a lot duch for sharing the sketches and the article! :flower:

Hi Lovebar/Giulia! :wave: And thank you for translating the IO Donna cover, it is very appreciated! I like her mom's philosophy. ;)

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From a gossip blog " The role of Miss Rafaeli onstage is the strictest of confidence, but according to rumors, she is not confined to the mere presence statuary: it seems it will be a surprise performance at the drums"

Source blog.leiweb.it

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^^ Haha, I'd like to see that! :laugh:

Thank you Duch, for all the news! :flower:

Full Io editorial :)

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As for the dresses, how cool she's getting them personally designed!

I do hope she picks a dress though, because I really dislike the pants/suit-things she's always wearing lately.

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Well, well, although she's one of the few women who are looking good in suits/tuxedo, I really hope she'll wear a dress. They're personally designed for her, so she'll look stunning in them (or one of them, depends on the fact if she might change dresses in a break or so)! Especially the red one is awesome, my second fav is the dark blue one with the lace (?) at the upper body.

About the gym photo ... damn, my conscience is telling me that I should starting to work out again (although I know that I'll never have her type of body, that's not in my genes).

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Bar Refaeli: Making Rounds in Milan

She’s always on the go, and earlier today (February 12) Bar Refaeli treated herself to some sightseeing in Milan, Italy.

Clad in a long black jacket with sexy shades and a designer blue handbag, the stunning supermodel seemed pretty laid back as she strolled the busy city streets.

Meanwhile, it seems Bar’s notorious SuperBowl ad (where she tongue-kissed a nerdy computer geek) helped GoDaddy score the biggest sales day in company history.

According to a Mashable report, “The company on Tuesday reported that the Monday after the game was its biggest sales day in company history. The company provided Mashable with the following stats that illustrate a big increase over the comparable day in 2012: Hosting sales jumped 45%; Dot-com domain sales rose 40%; New mobile customers increased by 35%. The company added 10,000 customers in total.”

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