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Bar Refaeli


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Happy Thanksgiving to everybody in the US (and to those outside the US too!) Thanks for all the great Bar photos that have been posted. :heart:

Are these first three photos of Bar and Leo old ones or new ones? I really don't know and since it mentions they were taken on a Thursday, I thought I would ask. http://celebritypicturessite.info/?p=354&a...content=Twitter

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Np Roxee :flower: Thanks Barbie!

Another article translated from Italian.........

Di Caprio, from Israel to Monferrato

Born American, Israeli adoption. The beautiful face of film made in the USA, Leonardo Di Capriosaid, according to the Israeli newspaper Hayom - want to buy land and build a house in Israel, where to go to live with his beautiful girlfriend and Israeli model Bar Refaeli.

The two - he 36, she 25 - in anticipation of marriage, perhaps to be held next year, they decided to go and live in the south or north of the country, thus avoiding the center, home to the parents of the supermodels .

But in the meantime, Di Caprio has options for three months, the Castello di Camino, the symbol of the earth Monferrato, in Piedmont, near Alessandria, in the past many towers and castles went for the most part destroyed in the wars of succession to the duchies of Mantua and Monferrato. Dating back to 1100, this residence is composed of several structures of about 5 thousand square meters and covered 160 thousand square meters of land in one part of a park, a vineyard and in a factory. At the Castle are also matched a guest house and a farm. The figure? "Top Secret" as the finance company says Alessandro Alessandro Proto Proto Consulting in charge of the negotiation. But, certainly, we are talking about more than 20 million €.

"He was very friendly and informal-more-Proto said the Italian landscapes are unique in the world and is also worried about the flood in the Veneto region as the top request was for a property in Verona, but unfortunately we did not find anything that would meet its needs as opposed to this castle in Piedmont. "


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Hey guys, thanx everyone for all the great pics!!!!

Unfortunatelly, I also don't believe the rumours about wedding in castle in Italy or Leo buying a house in Israel. Here some reasons:

- Leo is very private, and remember what kind of security did he need when he visited Israel? He said it multiple times he is happy that after Titanic his life got back to normal, because he hated the hysteria around it. He hates paps and if he would moove to Israel it would be very difficult to go out at all.

- Plus, he is an actor and has acting commitments - so he must be in LA for that.

- Plus his mother lives in LA and he adores her.

- And Bar said it herself, she lives mainly in LA now.

Wedding in a castle is also not very his style, because he is more of a beach boy (as Bar). I think those brokers in Italy simply wanted to promote their property and company.

This said, I believe, that if they get married it will be on a very private sunny island with only friends and family. Like when they were in Cairo for his birthday.

I also believe now he has to shoot a movie, but if they got engaged, it could be a small ceremony held in the summer.

I am just saying what I think is more realistik, not that I know any inside info.

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Good point Proletinchen: I also don't believe Leo would buy a castle to get married, or that he will live in Israel. But I think when and if they got married will be secret and I think that Leo could buy a place in Israel, not to live, but because Bar is Israeli and all her family lives there and even that she lives with Leo in L.A, I think she will go back to Israel several times in the year to see her family and to work too, so it makes a lot of sense Leo to build a house in Israel if he really wants to settle down and start a family with Bar.

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The initial reports(not the Italian stuff) of leo buying land in Israel never suggested he would live there permanently. It just said he would use that place as a base for his visits. The key word being visits.

But ya Bar herself said she lives in LA because in an article it said how she was excited to show her friends where she lives in LA.

I notice that neither of them are spending any time in LA lately due to bureaucratic problems/ professional committments. However, those are just temporary things.

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The initial reports(not the Italian stuff) of leo buying land in Israel never suggested he would live there permanently. It just said he would use that place as a base for his visits. The key word being visits.

But ya Bar herself said she lives in LA because in an article it said how she was excited to show her friends where she lives in LA.

I notice that neither of them are spending any time in LA lately due to bureaucratic problems/ professional committments. However, those are just temporary things.

Yep, I totally agree on that. I think they are very multi-culti as we call it - like, children of the world - and maybe the "base" is in LA, but they still spend much time in other places as well - NY, Paris, Mexico, Israel etc :)


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Hey guys, thanx everyone for all the great pics!!!!

Unfortunatelly, I also don't believe the rumours about wedding in castle in Italy or Leo buying a house in Israel. Here some reasons:

- Leo is very private, and remember what kind of security did he need when he visited Israel? He said it multiple times he is happy that after Titanic his life got back to normal, because he hated the hysteria around it. He hates paps and if he would moove to Israel it would be very difficult to go out at all.

- Plus, he is an actor and has acting commitments - so he must be in LA for that.

- Plus his mother lives in LA and he adores her.

- And Bar said it herself, she lives mainly in LA now.

Wedding in a castle is also not very his style, because he is more of a beach boy (as Bar). I think those brokers in Italy simply wanted to promote their property and company.

This said, I believe, that if they get married it will be on a very private sunny island with only friends and family. Like when they were in Cairo for his birthday.

I also believe now he has to shoot a movie, but if they got engaged, it could be a small ceremony held in the summer.

I am just saying what I think is more realistik, not that I know any inside info.

(Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) I totally agree with you. They want to promote their properties in Italy and Israel. The stories about a castle in Italy are ridiculous and Leo does not need a house in Israel when Bar just bought a new apartment there.

I dont think they are thinking about a wedding. Leo said his new movie with Clint Eastwood will shoot in January or February. They have work commitments.

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