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Bar Refaeli


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Palmina, I doubt Bar would attend such an event. Unless, she is invited and her name is on a guest list... she usually avoids to be seen with her man. There is a Jewish holiday today, she probably even is with her family in Israel.

Thanks Adira, Pink and Ienergy for the pictures and links! :wave:

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I saw the ELLE video, Bar is with a jeans shirt, (at least I think) and when she starts to speak, she was talking about how she loves white chocolate, and after she talked about being a teenage an become a woman, they are all talking about how is to become 25 years old girl. This was what I could see and than the video started at the beggining again, I also had problems with the video, but at least I could see a little bit... Bar was lovely.

But where is she? In Israel?

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Thanks for the great water ad pictures, iernergy. She sure looked good !

Thanks for the links, Katchitup! Nice to see these cute photos! What a great site dedicated to Bar! :)

I searched and I can not find new sightings of Bar. That NY event where her man was last night did not allow photographers. So we have no idea if she was there or not. But like I said, I doubt it. She does not seem to be in Israel either. What about Milan? She used to go a couple of years ago at the same time of year?

Well time will tell. ;)

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ooo thanks for more Fox pics :wave:

Personally i think Bar went to that UN REDD thing. The person who is part of BESPOK EVENTS mentioned she'll be sitting next to Leo and his gf, so by saying that Bar's name must have been on the list. In other tweets she mentioned how she has to fit 40 people at 1 table so she seems to be part of the organizing commitee. Bespoke events organize these types of events. That's just what i think :p

But who knows... i just wonder isn't she suppose to be going to Istanbul?

And.. thanks for that Elle picture she looks amazing!

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Personally i think Bar went to that UN REDD thing. The person who is part of BESPOK EVENTS mentioned she'll be sitting next to Leo and his gf, so by saying that Bar's name must have been on the list. In other tweets she mentioned how she has to fit 40 people at 1 table so she seems to be part of the organizing commitee. Bespoke events organize these types of events. That's just what i think

According to JJ comments: Bar is in Israel and She was suppose to attend some event in Israel but she canceled at the last minute.



link: here

I do not know if the information is accurate.

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