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Bar Refaeli


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Bar will making another TV appearance (only her second one on primetime) on the Ellen DeGeneres Show this Friday (Feb. 20th). That means she'll be back in Los Angeles, baby! Who's the unlucky stiff that's gonna cap this appearance? Anyone? (*RAISES HAND*)


Thanks Vamp! :kiss: :wave:

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The cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue is a coveted one among models, and this year Bar Refaeli landed the job to entice subscribers before they've even flipped to page one. In a word, the Israeli bombshell looks incredible in a seemingly effortless photo shoot on the beach.

SI interviewed its 2009 cover girl and asked her if she pays attention to diet and exercise, "or is it all natural," and Bar's answers suggest she embraces moderation in both areas. She exercises when she has a break in her busy schedule, and regarding food she said, "Well, I love food and I love feeling healthy so I do try to pay attention to nutrition, I think I am pretty good at it, but at least once a week I will have fries and a burger!"

So, a lot of what we see is "natural" and the result of amazing genes, but it's obvious she does her best to maintain her physique by fitting in workouts when she has time, and making smart food choices most of the time.

To find out how Bar defines happiness, read more.

The model mused, "Happiness is when you love who you are and you are able to accept yourself and others." She's right that a positive self-image and confidence are big pieces of being a happy person. Despite the fact that most of us don't picture ourselves on the cover of SI in a bikini, we can all strive to do a better job at self-acceptance.


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Has this interview been posted?


What was your reaction to getting into the Swimsuit Issue?

I was truly honored. The SI swimsuit Issue is iconic and ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to be a part of it, so I was very excited!

In all honesty, is modeling really that hard?

In all honesty...very! It involves a lot of traveling, so I am basically on planes half of the time, and when I am on the ground I am so jet lagged that it is hard to keep up. Being away from my family and friends is also very difficult for me because I am very close to them, but the other side of the coin is very positive. I get to travel, see the world, meet people and be independent. I feel blessed.

At what point in your career do you know you've made it?

Personally, I always want to achieve more so I don't think I will ever sit back and say 'I made it,' but being in Sports Illustrated definitely makes me feel like I am 'making it' right now.

Happiness is...

Happiness is when you love who you are and you are able to accept yourself and others.

If you could change one thing in the past year, what would it be?

I don't like to take back things, I always say that even our mistakes help us grow and learn. Maybe I would have tried harder to take my whole family on a trip like I promised and didn't.

What makes you feel sexy?

I definitely feel sexy being on the SI shoot. The team is the best. They have the best hair and makeup team, who always do such a great job. It is something that will make any girl feel sexy! All the crew, they make the models feel so good about themselves, so confident, so sexy it shows in the pictures, I think.

Who is your dream guy?

Someone who has family values, who has a sense of humor, loves life, is intelligent, giving and understanding.

Do real guys have a shot?

All the guys I had ever dated were real, so yes, real guys have a shot.

How much attention do you pay to nutrition and exercise, or is it all natural?

Well, I love food and I love feeling healthy so I do try to pay attention to nutrition, I think I am pretty good at it, but at least once a week I will have fries and a burger! Regarding exercise, I workout when I have time, but I usually don't. Right now, I am answering these questions after a workout because I just took two weeks with no work, so I have the spare time.

If you had to play matchmaker for a day, what celebrities would you pair up?

OK, so I've been sitting thinking about this, but can't come up with anything! It's hard enough for people to do it for themselves. I don't think I can do it better for them!

What meal do you miss from home?

Hummus! I really, really try to look for a place that has a decent one but unfortunately, I have yet to find a place that has good hummus.

Every girl has her dating checklist. What are your top three deal breakers when dating?

If a guy curses a lot, that's a no go. I'm not into blind dates and a guy who will talk about himself a lot, that's a definite 'no go!'

What is your most memorable first?

The first time I kissed.

People have said that I look like...

My mom and then they meet my dad and they say I look like him!

The world's hottest athlete is...

Freddie Ljungberg

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SI Swimsuit 2009 reaches record web hits!

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2009 on SI.com Sets All-Time Records in Video and Traffic

February 13, 2009

The 2009 digital launch of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit franchise (www.si.com/swimsuit) saw record-setting traffic and unprecedented growth in video views for the third consecutive year.

A strategic emphasis on video programming resulted in more than 5.7 million video views on SI.com during the first two days of the 2009 Swimsuit launch (12:00 a.m. 2/10 – 12:00 a.m. 2/12). That number far surpasses the 3.3 million videos viewed during the entire six-week Swimsuit launch period in 2008. Additionally, SI’s YouTube Swimsuit channel, featuring the SoBe sponsored cover unveiling, had more than 1.8 million video views over the first two days of launch. By comparison, SI’s YouTube channel in 2008 had 2.1 million views for the entire month of February.

The growth in video views is the result of significant developments in three key areas. First, the SI production team worked at creating more compelling video content that was deeper and richer than in past years. Second, the SI digital edit team emphasized more strategic placement of video throughout the swimsuit site, including developing a custom “banner” on the SI home page. And, third, SI had Turner Technology, which powers the backend of SI Digital, develop a custom state-of-the-art video player that produced a dynamic experience and allowed for maximum portability. (The development of the video player took several months.)

The result produced record-setting traffic once again for SI.com. Unique visitors were up 5% on launch day and 6.7% on day two. All data via Omniture reporting.

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